Egg Binding

It is very easy to do. Put on a latex glove with some KY Jelly or Vaseline on the index finger and gently insert your finger into the vent going straight back. If she has a stuck egg, you will feel it within the first inch or so. If you feel nothing or can go down with your finger, you are in the intestinal tract and there is no egg present.
I have had great luck with soaking birds in warm water. As long as the water is not so warm it burns them, warm water helps relax the abdominal muscles which can be holding the egg in. When they have been pushing and pushing, the muscles in the abdomen tighten up and holds everything in. If the water is not warm enough, the egg won't pass either as the water can chill the bird. 

If the egg is a bit cracked, sometimes these won't pass no matter what you do for the bird. At some point you need to make a tiny break in the egg, suck the contents out with an empty syringe, gently collapse the eggshell and gently remove it from the oviduct. 

I mean this in the nicest way possible, but how many critically ill, thin birds have you done this to? And how many eggs have you removed with a syringe and needle?

The bird in this thread is hypothermic, I can almost guarantee that. First step should be to stabilize her with warmth, not stick her in a tub of water.

I do agree if the bird is hypothermic and quite ill, she should not be subject to water. If she does indeed have a stuck egg in this situation, if the egg is at all accessable, the egg should be broken and removed.
I looked up water belly on byc thy said it could look like being egg bound but really be water belly
I will do the test to see if see is egg bound
Thanks to all who posted
I looked up water belly on byc thy said it could look like being egg bound but really be water belly 
I will do the test to see if see is egg bound 
Thanks to all who posted :)

It could also be cancer or egg yolk peritonitis. Would you like me to post some pictures of what it could be?


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