Egg Bound and Vent Gleet - Warning, vent pictures!


BYC Staff
Project Manager
Premium Feather Member
11 Years
Jun 24, 2012
The Golden State
Just found a 1.8kg hen with vent gleet that was staining to poop or pass an egg. Quick exam revealed a stuck, shelled egg. Treatment so far:

  • 11:30 am - Gave 60ml Gatorade via tube
  • 12:00 pm - Gave 180mg calcium gluconate orally
  • 12:15 pm - Gave 0.9mg Meloxicam orally and started steam in bathroom.

12:25 pm - Wow, went to give another 60ml of fluids and she had passed her egg, but gave fluids anyway. In this case I think what helped her most was getting fluids and calcium. Meloxicam should help reduce any swelling. Now I need to figure out if the "gleet" is from parasite, bacteria or yeast.

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Nice save! I'm always amazed at the extent of your knowledge & resourcefulness
I decided to leave her in the "steam room" and measure the heat and humidity. Though it had nothing to with the passing of this egg, the temp is 77 degrees f and the humidity is 86%. I have used this method before and it sure beats the heck out of bathing them. She just sat there in a sink on a towel in the warm, moist air.

Decided to de-worm her with Safeguard at 50mg/kg (0.23ml per pound) for five days. Also thinking about giving an antibiotic.

Definitely something going on in her... All poop are covered in mucus and have what people here call "shed intestinal lining". Also passing whole grains.


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