Egg bound

Good luck with your hen. Try not to get too stressed! It's hard to figure out what to do when you're getting advice from several different people. If I knew what to do I would tell ya! Good luck with everything tho and don't let one person's bad reaction get ya discouraged.
Ethel had respiratory infection but got better then sour crop is what she was sick with when she died and it was sunday night. Charolett was a crop problem and it was dec. there has been a few blood spots yesterday. im not sure what it is.
Ethel had respiratory infection but got better then sour crop is what she was sick with when she died and it was sunday night. Charolett was a crop problem and it was dec. there has been a few blood spots yesterday. im not sure what it is.
Ok,one bird just died on Sunday March 23? Any other birds have blood in poop? Have you added any new birds or is this hen a new addition to your flock?

Explain crop problem in hen that just died,meaning explain her symptoms and how she was acting.

Explain in detail how this current ill bird is acting.
Ok,one bird just died on Sunday March 23? Any other birds have blood in poop? Have you added any new birds or is this hen a new addition to your flock?

Explain crop problem in hen that just died,meaning explain her symptoms and how she was acting.

Explain in detail how this current ill bird is acting.

no other blood in poop. no new birds at all. started with impacted crop then turned sour. the smell was horrible. the current bird isn't real bad at least I don't think so. she stands around some what her tail tucked under some what she isn't eating a lot.
I have no egg either! My poor girls tummy is so swollen! I'm so stressed over this. She is still eating and drinking on her own. If she makes it through Friday morn, I'm taking her to the vet.
I have no egg either! My poor girls tummy is so swollen! I'm so stressed over this. She is still eating and drinking on her own. If she makes it through Friday morn, I'm taking her to the vet.
I have occasionally been looking at this thread, and I would just like to mention that reproductive problems such as oviduct cancer, ascites, egg yolk peritonitis, and internal laying can all look similar to egg binding. Many times they will walk like a penguin too. Chickens usually will not survive egg binding after 2 days from what I have read. There are many threads to read about these by searching here on BYC. I hope you all can find out what is happening to your chickens, but sometimes it's hard to know until a necropsy is done after death. Good luck with your hens.

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