Egg color


Aug 14, 2022
Okay so I've done a lot of reading on egg color. It does get confusing lol. So I plan on hatching some chicks next spring for the first time. I've always just had hens and I finally got a rooster. My hens are of a variety of very Americana looking blue Easter eggers and a mix of olive eggers. I know they are all mixed breeds but most of them I don't know what breeds are mixed in. Due to the way they look I guess you could guess. But I do know my rooster is a mix between a French black copper marin and a "pure" blue Amerucana. I know nobody can really tell me what I'm going to get because of all the breeds mixed in. But assuming he is an Olive egger the mix of all these different chickens give me possibilities of all colors right? Having brown in my boy will not 100% of the time make my possibly blue chicks green will it? Only plan on hatching small batches for people who want them in their backyard so I will not be mass-producing. I just fell in love with him but no matter what I read I'm having a hard time assuring that blue egg layers are still a possibility. Being the mix he is means he could be a brown or blue producer too and not just an olive egger? Again, I know nobody can tell me what colored layers I'm going to get mixing him with my mutts. But with this mix all colors are still possible right?
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Oh thank you so much! From what I read I felt like all colors were a possibility. But then a few things made me question that. But that's really all I was going for is that the chicks have a possibility of producing all colors!
Also, so what you're saying is if I narrowed it down to just my rooster and one hen her offspring will not always lay the same color? As in every single chick from every single hen can be different?
I have a couple of friends that wanted me to make them some chicks. But I didn't want to tell them anything is a possibility color-wise if that wasn't true.
Each chick will play the genetic lottery for egg color. With all of the mixes, you have a possibility of brown to green and everything in between. I wouldn’t guarantee anyone a specific egg color. But you can definitely tell them that they CAN lay most egg colors. I have 3 Easter eggers that are sisters. Two lay green/blue. But I can tell them apart. One is much bluer and lighter, one is more toward olive green. And the third lays light brown.

Keep in mind each chicken will only lay one color. Color will vary slightly from egg to egg but a hen that lays blue will always lay blue.
Yeah I do know that their egg color won't change. But I really wasn't sure if the same mom and dad could make chicks that laid different colors. I really just wanted to make sure any color was always a possibility. Kind of what I was going for. I should have just asked you all! Would have saved me hours on Google 😂
My boy is the most beautiful mix! He has the single comb, which I love on a rooster, he has the muffs and beard, and the bell bottoms! Got him from a small heritage farm and I know he's a 50/50 mix of purebreds but the girls are all over the place... I've got just about every color and feature somewhere in my flock. I'm so excited that there's a different possibility for each chick! Thank you!
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Abraham 11 weeks


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