Egg eating drake


In the Brooder
11 Years
Aug 6, 2008
Rathdrum, Idaho
My Muscovy drake is eating the duck eggs. I saw some remedies posted for chickens.
Will they work on ducks?. Any one out there have the same problem?
My Muscovy drake is eating the duck eggs. I saw some remedies posted for chickens.
Will they work on ducks?. Any one out there have the same problem?
Never heard of this, what are the remedies? Can he free range and look for bugs and such? sounds like he's looking for some protein.
Well that makes two of us, to be real honest my ducks won't touch eggs, peas, romaine and apparently honeydew melon(they steal the leftovers from the chicken run lol) but no eggs... done in any manner.

You've see him doing this op?
He does free range. I thought I might try game bird feed as he is now 12% mash. I hate to get rid of him, because he has so much personality and fun to watch.
I agree, perhaps it is a diet issue. Now as to the yellow is he a white bird? on occasion i see yellow on my big boy(an all white) but that is from the oil gland.

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