Egg in my pocket

I have created some rules of thumb, for eggs in the pocket:

1 egg per pocket is fine

2 eggs in jacket pockets and shirt pockets.

Never put 2 eggs in pants pockets

Never sit while you have eggs in the pockets

and under no circumstances put 3 eggs in any pocket.

These little rules will help you. They have been tried and found to be generally true.
When I was 13, I filled my pockets with the eggs and forgot about them. Then I started wrestling with my sister...
Oh my gosh...
I have created some rules of thumb, for eggs in the pocket:

1 egg per pocket is fine

2 eggs in jacket pockets and shirt pockets.

Never put 2 eggs in pants pockets

Never sit while you have eggs in the pockets

and under no circumstances put 3 eggs in any pocket.

These little rules will help you. They have been tried and found to be generally true.
I use basically the same rules, but with three hens i never have to put an egg in my pants at all, and for us terrible smokers, never in the same pocket as your smokes!
Rules for gathering eggs? Pretty much this: Never put all your eggs in one basket......or pocket.

Since there is dearth of baskets hereabouts...... I just use pockets and hands .... having only 9 hens, it's a rare day when i'd need to put more than 3 eggs in a coat pocket ....
Once I left a pen zipped inside my jacket pocket and the pen broke in the wash. then when I wore the jacket again the outside was fine but the inside was purple!
The lesson learned is don't put stuff in your pocket.

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