Egg Incubation Services


10 Years
Oct 27, 2009
Carlsbad, CA
Has anyone heard of egg incubation services?
I am thinking of trying to offer service for folks who would like to have specialty breed hatched for them rather than buy them at a hatchery. I'm wondering if there is a market for this kind of service and what it would be worth. Any ideas?
I bet there is some people who would like to do this. I always just split whatever hatches. and usually sell my half. If the bator is already in use you are not really loosing anything
I'm not sure what the demand would be, but I think you'd have to have a very clearly drawn up 'contract' in case of problems. Imagine you incubated a dozen of the latest craze of English Orp eggs that someone had just paid $1,000 for, and none of them hatched out...
You'd have to have a really good incubator and a webcam. I'd want to be able to look at the eggs and see them for myself. Otherwise some unscrupulous son of a louse could hatch your nice eggs and pretend they didn't.
I only see this working as a local thing, really. Shipped eggs hatching into chicks that would need to be shipped, there's just so much potential for tragedy.
A lady recently called me and asked if i did this. I said nope. Her friend used to hatch for her but the friend moved or something. Maybe if You bought the eggs, you could sell the chicks before they hatched for those fancy breeds? If this is something your interested in put out an ad and see what kind of response you get. Or if you see ads for ppl asking for a specific breed, contact them and tell them you will hatch for them. They might not have thought of that. Good luck.

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