Egg issue


Nov 2, 2015
I have been getting eggs from one of my hens, very elongated with cracks around the entire circumference. I think I've narrowed it down to a 2 yr old barred rock. Diet is purina organic layer, free range and oyster shell on the side. I've had hens on and off for 30yrs and never seen this. Thoughts?
Hey Redsoxs thank you for the help. Just so you have an idea were I'm from, the Red Socks are in the race. Thanks
Welcome to Backyard chickens. As to sports I'm sorry I have to take a pass.
Thank you so much. Along with the old girls I have left Plymouth rocks and a lone buff orp, I have some 16 week black australorps and some white brahma's.

My 10 month old Black Australorp always lays eggs with a thin cracked and healed area. Sometimes it's a band/ bulge around the middle, like the bottom left. Sometimes it's one spot. Today it looked like it almost broke! There is plenty of oyster shell available free choice, and mixed in to one on the rations I give. They free range part time and eat bugs etc. Any ideas?
I had this problem for about three weeks and it went away. Read many articles about damage occurring in the tract during development and sealing over with calcium before it is laid. Give it some time.
Good luck

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