Egg laying in the winter


In the Brooder
12 Years
Jun 26, 2007
Heber City, UT
My hens are only 6 months old and no eggs yet. I want them to lay through the winter but I heard they don't do that. If I run a light out to the coop will that help?
they are at the age to start laying anytime now. Put out oyster shell for them to peck at and feed them layer food. You'll need a light in the coop to keep them laying through the winter, a simple drugstore timer will turn it on and off (mine goes on at 4 and off at around 8:30). Be patient!
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Thankyou peepkeeper. It is hard to be patient though when I am so excited for there first eggs. I can't wait!
We'll put out the light today.
Thanks again.
I'm new here and this may be a stupid question -- but do you turn on the light at 4 PM and off at 8:30 PM to extend daylight hours through the winter?
And another -- how much light is enough?

Sunrise here is after 7 AM now and sunset is right about now (just before 6PM)
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Yes, chickens need about 14 hours or so of light to keep laying as a rule. You don't need a lot of light, a 40 watt bulb will do. Pick up a timer so you can forget about it.
Better to add light in the morning so it doesn't just turn off suddenly when they're going to roost, unless you plan to go out every night and turn it off yourself and can see that they aren't still wandering around.

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