Egg on accident cracked open on day 18?


In the Brooder
Feb 18, 2015
I'm on day 18 and I'm doing this as a project to present in front of some 4h kids/4h club. I'm writing down interesting facts and taking many pictures. There is one question I don't know an answer to, what happens if u drop on egg on day 17/18 or maybe even 19 (although I wont handling or turn the eggs on day 19) and it cracks very badly, to the point were the chick has to be removed, what will the chick look like and will it survive, why or why not? The chicks are about ready to hatch so is there any chance of it surviving?
I know that if it's a small crack then I can seal it with nail polish which I have done with 2 eggs that cracked a little on day 3(they are doing great!)
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If you had an egg that "cracked" on day 18 or day 19, just leave it alone in the incubator. It will either hatch or it won't. If you try to remove the chick from the egg before it's ready, it will bleed to death, and will have a ruptured yolk sack, which will result in peritonitis, most likely. Also, until it is ready to hatch, it's lungs won't be mature enough to support the function of respiration.
If you had an egg that "cracked" on day 18 or day 19, just leave it alone in the incubator.  It will either hatch or it won't.  If you try to remove the chick from the egg before it's ready, it will bleed to death, and will have a ruptured yolk sack, which will result in peritonitis, most likely.  Also, until it is ready to hatch, it's lungs won't be mature enough to support the function of respiration.

Ok, that's both helpful to know for the project and if anything like that happens in the future when I incubate more eggs. What happens when the yolk raptures?
I'm on day 18 and I'm doing this as a project to present in front of some 4h kids/4h club. I'm writing down interesting facts and taking many pictures. There is one question I don't know an answer to, what happens if u drop on egg on day 17/18 or maybe even 19 (although I wont handling or turn the eggs on day 19) and it cracks very badly, to the point were the chick has to be removed, what will the chick look like and will it survive, why or why not? The chicks are about ready to hatch so is there any chance of it surviving?
I know that if it's a small crack then I can seal it with nail polish which I have done with 2 eggs that cracked a little on day 3(they are doing great!)
It would be best to keep an eye on the egg. If there seems to be pipping and further cracking by the chick in the egg, leave it alone. However, if the chick tries to pip but is struggling because of the cracked egg, take it out. Many would say not too, but I had to do it once. I had a broody hen on the nest once, and my Buff Orpington came onto the nest and cracked all the eggs. The chicks were bleeding and the eggs were cracked a lot, and I rescued them. They all survived and grew up just fine! Good luck on your hatch!

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