Egg Song! Glorious Egg Song!

Finally! First eggs and it's a two-fur! Thank you Wheatly (Easter egger) and Holly Hobbie (Rhode Island Red) for the 1st eggs! (this picture was taken today).

Holly Hobbie (this picture was taken 1 mo. ago)

Wheatly, on the left. (this picture was taken 1 mo. ago)

Well, my girls are getting closer to giving me eggs I think. I've noticed the past few days how "super friendly" they are with me...I mean SUPER friendly! They'll come up to me and walk by rubbing my leg and talk? Talking up a blue streak, kind of like chortling softly. My girls are Black Australorps and while I always knew they were docile and friendly, this is something new! They are 15 weeks going on 16 so I'm going to start watching them closer now.

That reminds me...I better get busy and finish up those two nesting boxes...YIKES!!
One of our leghorns was singing and squatting for weeks before she laid (to the tune that i thought something was wrong with her)...not that i ever mind hearing the song! i love hearing them sing all throughout the day!

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