Egg with a tail!?!?!?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Nov 29, 2012
N. Texas

I found an egg with no shell in the coop yesterday. That is not totally unheard of. What surprised me, was that this egg had a tail!!!
Can someone please explain to me what is going on here.
My guess was there was two eggs bumping up against each other, and the one came out too early without a shell and pulled the second out too, the yolk stayed or was eaten. This time of year some birds release multiple yolks as the system is revving up for the season.
I've seen this once in one of my previous flocks. My son was the culprit, he scared the tar out of the poor hen and she passed the egg not very long afterwards. So the cause there was definitely stress.
Thanks for the explanation and links.
I have 13 layers so I have no idea which hen laid the egg, but I will keep an eye out for more strange eggs or stressors that might be causing this.

Thanks again!

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