Egg Yolk Peritonitis and Natural Remedies


5 Years
Sep 4, 2014
Rusty Ranch suggested I post this over here, so here it is ...

Just thought I'd share this information. I am a chicken novice, my father in law and husband do most of the chicken stuff and they are still learning too. Their solution was an axe, so this is where I stepped in. At first I thought my chicken was egg bound, but after some more research was pretty sure there wasn't an egg there, so put her symptoms down to peritonitis. She had all the symptoms except for the laboured breath. She seemed to be swollen further back (was bigger and spongy) so I guess it wasn't putting pressure on her lungs. Her tail was down, could hardly walk and definitely had the penguin waddle with legs splayed when she did. Very lethargic, literally collapsing into a sit after a few steps and closing her eyes. Her comb was pale and blotchy. The fact that I could approach and pick her up without any protest was a definite sign, I could roll her onto her side to examine her and she'd just lay there. However I still had hope as her eyes were clear and alert and curious in between wanting to sleep (which was alot). Day one consisted of lost of warm baths, cleaning up her rear and and massaging and keeping her inside (box in the bathtub with towels and a warm pad when not being held and loved on). After deciding it was probably peritonitis I couldn't find duramycin 10 anywhere near where I lived so found some posts on natural alternatives I could do myself. Came across an article on oregano and cinnamon as being natural antibiotics. I only had dried oregano and cinnamon sticks so made up a tea. Boiled about a tablespoon of dried oregano and half a stick in about a 3/4 small saucepan of water for about 15 minutes, then scooped out the stick and the bulk of the leaves (just did this by hand) and poored the mixture into about the same quantity of water. I gave her this to drink only (which she seemed to really like, shes been drinking quite a bit of it). So far so good, its about day 2 since she started drinking and day 3 since I noticed her symptions. Her poop has lost its yellow color (though now the solid part is green, guessing that's from the oregano). She has lost her penguin waddle and is standing normally. She is eating just fine, walking and pecking around the yard. Her tail is still droopy but she's stopped collapsing into a sit. I let her out into the yard today brought her in for the hottest part of the day. I am still going to keep her inside at night until tail is back up (I've now put a piece of wood on the box so she can roost in there at night since I dont have a separate section in the coup and pen to keep her isolated and away from our other hens very virile young roosters). She has also been receiving ALOT of TLC, sitting in my lap watching tv, being stroked. Think shes getting used to it, shes never been handled before this and is soaking it up. She seems to be well on the way to a full recovery.

I didnt take her to a vet, so not a definite diagnosis, but whatever it is, oregano and cinnamon seem to be working a treat.
Very interesting, will be keen to hear how this goes in the long term. I had an internal layer once, she lived for years with an enlarged abdomen after the onset, but it didn't impact her quality of life. I've always fed my chooks raw garlic, so I upped her dose once her problems occurred and she rallied and that was it, she just got on with it.

Best wishes and
Rusty Ranch suggested I post this over here, so here it is ...

Just thought I'd share this information. I am a chicken novice, my father in law and husband do most of the chicken stuff and they are still learning too. Their solution was an axe, so this is where I stepped in. At first I thought my chicken was egg bound, but after some more research was pretty sure there wasn't an egg there, so put her symptoms down to peritonitis. She had all the symptoms except for the laboured breath. She seemed to be swollen further back (was bigger and spongy) so I guess it wasn't putting pressure on her lungs. Her tail was down, could hardly walk and definitely had the penguin waddle with legs splayed when she did. Very lethargic, literally collapsing into a sit after a few steps and closing her eyes. Her comb was pale and blotchy. The fact that I could approach and pick her up without any protest was a definite sign, I could roll her onto her side to examine her and she'd just lay there. However I still had hope as her eyes were clear and alert and curious in between wanting to sleep (which was alot). Day one consisted of lost of warm baths, cleaning up her rear and and massaging and keeping her inside (box in the bathtub with towels and a warm pad when not being held and loved on). After deciding it was probably peritonitis I couldn't find duramycin 10 anywhere near where I lived so found some posts on natural alternatives I could do myself. Came across an article on oregano and cinnamon as being natural antibiotics. I only had dried oregano and cinnamon sticks so made up a tea. Boiled about a tablespoon of dried oregano and half a stick in about a 3/4 small saucepan of water for about 15 minutes, then scooped out the stick and the bulk of the leaves (just did this by hand) and poored the mixture into about the same quantity of water. I gave her this to drink only (which she seemed to really like, shes been drinking quite a bit of it). So far so good, its about day 2 since she started drinking and day 3 since I noticed her symptions. Her poop has lost its yellow color (though now the solid part is green, guessing that's from the oregano). She has lost her penguin waddle and is standing normally. She is eating just fine, walking and pecking around the yard. Her tail is still droopy but she's stopped collapsing into a sit. I let her out into the yard today brought her in for the hottest part of the day. I am still going to keep her inside at night until tail is back up (I've now put a piece of wood on the box so she can roost in there at night since I dont have a separate section in the coup and pen to keep her isolated and away from our other hens very virile young roosters). She has also been receiving ALOT of TLC, sitting in my lap watching tv, being stroked. Think shes getting used to it, shes never been handled before this and is soaking it up. She seems to be well on the way to a full recovery.

I didnt take her to a vet, so not a definite diagnosis, but whatever it is, oregano and cinnamon seem to be working a treat.

Interesting! I will be putting this in my remedy book for trial! Thanks!
I know this post is old but how did the chicken turn out what she okay. The reason I'm asking is I believe my chicken has the same thing going on and I'm trying the oregano and cinnamon right now
Btw if you don't mind using a non natural remedy thing then you might want to try a Suprelorin implant if you have any vets nearby. It's expensive but it does work to treat EYP
Well just a update on my little bantam. After the treatment with the antibiotic I waited a week and then gave them Molly's worm formula. She started laying eggs she laid a couple and then one got squished on the wire and another one was broke in the nesting box which I believe it was hers. She doesn't seem sick anymore but she is still trying to lay. I'm not giving her and oregano herbal formula for three days all the chickens. It's probably been about a week or week and a half since she's laid. But she does not seem sick.

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