Eggs to eat


Apr 7, 2019
I was watching Becky's Homestead and she mentioned if my chicken's eggs had poop on them that may mean there are worms, but I've collected and wash clothed cleaned them before watching the video, so I don't remember if they did have any poop but I know some were dirty. Is it still safe to eat them if I forgot if they were clean or not?
I dont believe anything Becky says. Having poop on thier eggs does not mean they have worms. Sometimes it get stuck on thier feathers, or they laid an egg in the nest box that they or another hen may have pooped in and it got on the egg. It happens to me all the time because I have hens that "insist" on sleeping in the nest boxes.
I just wash it off and eat it. Been doing this for years and havent gotten sick yet.
I dont believe anything Becky says. Having poop on thier eggs does not mean they have worms. Sometimes it get stuck on thier feathers, or they laid an egg in the nest box that they or another hen may have pooped in and it got on the egg. It happens to me all the time because I have hens that "insist" on sleeping in the nest boxes.
I just wash it off and eat it. Been doing this for years and havent gotten sick yet.
Same! My family has been eating eggs that have had poop on them for years and no one has gotten sick, we just store them the way we get them, and then wash them once we want to eat them. If there are worms on them I would assume they would die one you cook the eggs. But if you are worried about touching the eggs that have poop of them just don’t touch your face and wash your hands right after!
Yes. Once washed, eggs should be eaten fairly quickly as washing removes the protective bloom.

∆∆ this ∆∆
Washed eggs should be refrigerated.

I dont believe anything Becky says. Having poop on thier eggs does not mean they have worms. Sometimes it get stuck on thier feathers, or they laid an egg in the nest box that they or another hen may have pooped in and it got on the egg. It happens to me all the time because I have hens that "insist" on sleeping in the nest boxes.
I just wash it off and eat it. Been doing this for years and havent gotten sick yet.

∆∆ Also this ∆∆

I wash, refrigerate and use within a week or 2.
wash clothed cleaned
That's not cleaning.

I don't wash eggs unless they are very dirty, then will refrigerate or use immediately because thorough washing will remove all the protective bloom(cuticle).

Eggs should be washed in 'water warmer than the egg'.

Simple physics, using colder water will cause the egg contents to contract, causing any 'germs' on exterior surface of egg shell to be pulled into the interior of egg thru the shell pores. Using warmer water will do the opposite.

I don't use any soap or other cleaning/sanitizing agent, just rotate in my hands to 'scrub' all surfaces area of egg shell. Then I air and towel dry before placing in the fridge.

I dont believe anything Becky says.
Ditto Dat^^^ maybe 5%.
Clean eggs, dirty eggs, even eggs dropped from the roost bar (as long as they're not cracked) - I'll eat them all.

I refrigerate without washing. If there's some poop or dirt I just brush it off best I can before bringing them in. I only wash (and scrub, in warm water) eggs that I'm hard boiling, because even though I know the boiling water will kill anything, I can't get over the thought of bits of bedding and poop floating around the pot.

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