Eggs what do you do with surplus??????????????

In the past, when I had too many eggs, I gave them to the local (small town) interfaith food pantry. One of the ladies at my church, Mabel, helps out at the pantry, so I called her and asked her if they would want my eggs, she said SURE!!!

I think Mabel put the word out, because the ladies at my church started saving egg cartons for me, and my Mom's friends started saving cartons too......before long I had egg cartons coming out my ears. LOL

I always ask the people I sell eggs to to please save the cartons to give back to me.

My dogs and cats always get the really dirty eggs.........I also give my chickens eggs too, I break the eggs first and STAND BACK, the girls go after them like they hadn't eaten in a month!!! Protein!!!
Sounds Yummy !! I'll be trying it soon as well. Reminds me, I have made broccoli quiche in the past and it was good to. Wish I could find that recipe !!!

Also don't forget ........ EGG DROP SOUP is another option. That takes alot of eggs as well.

I don't have a formal recipe but here is what I do.

Take chicken broth and bring to a boil

Lightly mix eggs and stir gently into boiling broth

Add sesame seed oil to taste as well as salt and pepper to taste.

I asked at the chinese resturant how they made it so yellow and they said they add yellow food coloring. It makes it look alot more appealing.

The sesame seed oil made all the difference in the world at least to me anyway. Otherwise it tasted kinda bland. I also add more salt to each bowl, guess I am used to the resturant style that is verty salty. Either way it is yummy !!!

Oops forgot to mention, top with chopped scallions !!!
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"Surplus"? I'm unfamiliar with the word...

I have a list for eating eggs at work and I can't even come close to filling it...ever.
I give them to friends and to people around here that are out of work which I find out through a church-friends want to give me money but I never take it-I also will scramble them and give to my dogs mixed with there food-its good for them-the girls too!!!
If you make your own chicken broth from the carcass of a roasted chicken (add celery, carrot & onion), you won't need to add yellow food coloring. It comes out a deep rich yellow, almost auburn colored and has a much strength as penicillin if you aren't feeling well. Add your beaten eggs to that, and its almost the perfect food.
And as I mentioned before, cheesecake uses a lot of eggs and you can make one from smoked salmon, or crab, or bacon and spinach too.
Surplus????? I have no idea what THAT word means! I'm still waiting for that elusive first egg... 3 hens are 24 weeks, 3 are 21 weeks - 1 looks like she should be laying, 1 very close, 4 that are not even close...

I have people asking me at work daily - got eggs??? with that hopeful look on their face, next they say I have egg cartons!!! yeah, yeah, yeah, so do I - problem is - they're empty!

ok ok ok sorry i went off on a tirade

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