Eggshells as calcium additive

Who is using eggshells for calcium inputs? Is there any empirical evidence that it is as good as oyster shell? I've been slacking in the calcium department but I've got sacks of cleaned and dried eggshells - put aside for garden use - ready to be put to use in the coop.
I actually started using egg shells as a dietary calcium supplement for my family. I've researched that it is one of the most bioavailable and natural form of calcium out there! I wash and dry them then heat them in oven to kill bacteria. Then grind it into powder in a glass jar blender and take 1/4 teaspoon daily.
I do.

Yes, both many people with backyard flocks simply observing that eggshells work at least as well as oyster shells. And many university-type studies showing the same.

I've never seen any reports or studies that showed an empirical reason not to use eggshells as far as health or egg production or quality of the eggs. Some people don't want to bother with them. Some people think they need processing (crushing and/or baking or such) for various reasons; others have had no problems over many years without processing other than breaking the shell so it is not a whole egg.
I only use their egg shells. I rinse then dry in a colander over night then put in blender and feed them on the side.
Who is using eggshells for calcium inputs? Is there any empirical evidence that it is as good as oyster shell? I've been slacking in the calcium department but I've got sacks of cleaned and dried eggshells - put aside for garden use - ready to be put to use in the coop.
I only use chicken egg shells and my one layer excels at laying and her eggs are beautiful with very sturdy shells I also dont give them to her everyday because they can have to much calcium, in that case I give her a few drops of olive oil and out pops an egg. So far so good and it saves so much money, I also keep their diet really strict and the bugs they like as treats they can dig out of the ground because eggs take on the flavor of what is around it that includes what your chicken eats before the egg is layed and where the egg is layed, I clean my coop more than anyone I know and my girl lays the most delicious eggs I have ever tasted in my life. Use those egg shells, great idea.
Do you crush the cuttlefish bone? or can they peck at it and get what they need?
I am experimenting.
I fixed one to the side of the run and they ignored it.
I hung one and they are pecking at it but I can’t tell if they want calcium or they just like playing!
I am going to crumble some and put it in the eggshells container and see if they like it.
I was experimenting because mine were ignoring the oyster shell from TSC but falling on the eggshells like their lives depended on it so I was trying to find calcium they liked because as discussed earlier in this thread I believe, they need more than just their own eggshells back.
Next in my list will be crumbled up Tums!
I am experimenting.
I fixed one to the side of the run and they ignored it.
I hung one and they are pecking at it but I can’t tell if they want calcium or they just like playing!
I am going to crumble some and put it in the eggshells container and see if they like it.
I was experimenting because mine were ignoring the oyster shell from TSC but falling on the eggshells like their lives depended on it so I was trying to find calcium they liked because as discussed earlier in this thread I believe, they need more than just their own eggshells back.
Next in my list will be crumbled up Tums!
Please share what ends up working for you.

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