Electric company to do major spraying


12 Years
Apr 7, 2010
I do appreciate the electric company but, I have been told they will be doing massive spraying to kill trees and vegataion. My chickens are in direct line where they will be spraying. My chickens free range and are fenced in for thier protection. I can not move chicken house or the 1 acre fenced in area. The gentleman came out to talk with me and was very nice but, we are not agreeing that this will not harm the chickens, so my question to fellow chicken enthusiaste will this be a danger to them? I am taking from my conversation with this gentleman that it amounts to roundoff herbicide allthough he did not call it this but,it really sounds like it to me. I did not know exactly where to post but ,since I am seeing this as a pest either me or them this where I decided to post it .
Is your coop/run located on the electric co. easement/r-o-w? If not, tell them to stay off your property, if so, be nice and try to persuade them not to spray your coop/run. I am guessing you are worried about wind drift? If they are careful, they can spray without spraying your coop/run. Good luck.
No, the chickens are not on the easement but are right on the line of it and yes that is one of my fear that it will drift over. Does vegatation killer effect livestock?
I would think if you called the county ext office, they would be able to help you. Maybe if you called the supervisor in charge and expressed your concerns, that would help, too. WHy would they come and talk with you if they weren't worried about the overspray. It would seem to me they would have to protect your property, if that were the case.
Get the name of the herbicide and check it out. There are different herbicides. They do different things. Unless you know which product they are using, no one can give you an honest answer.

Once you know the name of the herbicide, you can check with the manufacturer. Your county extension agent may be able to help you. They should, but sonme are better than others.

Get the MSDS fromthe electric company for the product they are using. That should tell you a lot.

In general, I'd keep them and myself out of the direct spray and keep them off of it until it dried. But that is just general precautions. There may be specific precautions that need to be taken.

Again, in general, they are not likely to spray something that is going to kill animals and hurt people and get themselves sued. But I'd feel a whole lot better knowing exactly what it is so I could check it out.

Why would they tell you about it instead of just doing it? To stop undue panic. Its good public relations. If someone just starts spraying, you will likely freak out. If they tell youi about it ahead of time, you will probably be calmer and more rational.
2 things:
1.Our gas pipeline cuts the overgrowth every 3 to 5 years just behind us, it's the right-of-way and party wooded--check to see if that's possible.
2. See if they or you can spray with 100% vinegar. With your guys free ranging I hate to think of the pestcide load they will get.
We have not used any pestcides here in a year in prep for having livestock. I'm planning to use vinegar or a strong salt solution for spaying of weeds. I would check with the manufacture and ag agent like the previous poster suggested--maybe offering to spray instead will work:fl.
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Thank you for the suggestions very much appreciated.

1livelychick---- I called them after recieving the notice of the spraying that is going to take place and the gentleman was very nice and he offered to come out and look at the problem for himself.
Ridgerunner--- I think you have given me a good avenue to go on and this is the direction I think I will go with
Amenfern--- This is what they did in the past would clear cut every 2-3 years but from what this gentleman says it is more cost effective to spray now.
I would spray now (or clear cut)! tonight , tomorrow-- past were the area is. tell them that the area is dying--if it is. and have them skip that area, then every year spray so it's never an issue again. Since we moved in they have NEVER had to clear cut our pasture, they had to before because the gentlemen before us was very sick from cancer. Now I need to check to be sure the gas pipeline company is not spraying instead...
They are not going to spray your chickens if they are not on the right of way.

Roundup will not hurt your birds

If you're concerned, keep them in the coop the day they spray
Roundup is such a common name and the term "Round Up" is often used incorrectly when referencing any type of herbicide. I would inquire as to the active ingredient in the herbicide, not the brand name. The herbicides that contain 2-4-D are often incorrectly referred to as "Round Up" but it's a completely different agent and has it's own set of problems. I would be very concerned if your Electric Company will be using a product with 2-4-D as an active ingredient.
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