I have Embdens also.
My first two Jordan and Reebok were/are Embden.
Jordan passed away at 19. My precious Reebok will be 21 next month.
I have a rescue gander that I'm pretty sure is Embden. All white with blue eyes.
Then I have Miss Piper. She is half Embden half Toulouse or Buff mix. By her attitude I lean toward Toulouse .
I love them. Very personable.
Reebok, Oliver and Piper
I have Embdens also.
My first two Jordan and Reebok were/are Embden.
Jordan passed away at 19. My precious Reebok will be 21 next month.
I have a rescue gander that I'm pretty sure is Embden. All white with blue eyes.
Then I have Miss Piper. She is half Embden half Toulouse or Buff mix. By her attitude I lean toward Toulouse .
I love them. Very personable.
Reebok, Oliver and Piper
They lived a long time Linda but I'm sure to you not long enough. My Emden gander will be 8yrs old on the 22nd of April The best birthday present i could have ever given him was his goose family. I love watching how close nit they are. They are a joy to have. 21 yrs old wow. Did you get them as new borns?
Yes Miss Lydia,
Jordan and Reebok were 2 days old when I got them
Reebok seems to be doing well for a girl going on 21.
Piper has reenergized her a bit.
Reebok was despondent after Jordan died.
I was a bit worried about her.
Piper has been a great addition.
Very protective of both her and Oliver for which I'm glad.

Yes Miss Lydia,
Jordan and Reebok were 2 days old when I got them
Reebok seems to be doing well for a girl going on 21.
Piper has reenergized her a bit.
Reebok was despondent after Jordan died.
I was a bit worried about her.
Piper has been a great addition.
Very protective of both her and Oliver for which I'm glad.

That is so nice that Piper has given Reebok a new lease on life. How old is Oliver?
I'm not too sure.
I rescued him in May of 2003. I think I wrote about him one time being dumped off a with a group of Canadians on a parcel of land in the city
I saw him one day when on a whim I decided to go see my parents on my lunch hour.
So he has been with me 12 yrs. he is quite crippled and has to be helped quite a bit.
He gets stuck in his bedding and I have to carry him out to the pools or his pond.
Although curiously enough show him a piece of bread and he manages to get up but you can tell walking
Is painful for him.
I give him Cosequin wrapped in bread at night. It is the only time Piper gets upset with me.
She is very protective of them both. She's a good little goose.
Reebok, Oliver and Piper
I'm not too sure.
I rescued him in May of 2003. I think I wrote about him one time being dumped off a with a group of Canadians on a parcel of land in the city
I saw him one day when on a whim I decided to go see my parents on my lunch hour.
So he has been with me 12 yrs. he is quite crippled and has to be helped quite a bit.
He gets stuck in his bedding and I have to carry him out to the pools or his pond.
Although curiously enough show him a piece of bread and he manages to get up but you can tell walking
Is painful for him.
I give him Cosequin wrapped in bread at night. It is the only time Piper gets upset with me.
She is very protective of them both. She's a good little goose.
Reebok, Oliver and Piper
I do remember you telling us how you got Oliver now. so he has arthritis? My Muscovy drake who is 11 yrs old can barely walk, I carry him from his house to the front yard each day where he spends his day with his only surviving female who will be 11 in July They are separated from the younger ducks so they don't get picked on. There use to be 3 girls and Ernie. Now it's just Ernie and Shirley. Shirley is doing great other than i think she has some duck dementia. In the evenings I carry him to the door of his house and he walks the rest of the way in and gets into his bedroom. {He has to have some dignity} We made him a ramp up to his pool so he can manage the ramp and gets to bathe daily . He doesn't molt any more so he has no flight feathers an more just little stubs,But he still enjoys life and that is important.
Miss Lydia,

Two weeks ago yesterday after talking with his vet I put Oliver in standard Cosequin. It has the Boswellia and Hyaluronate.
It has definitely made a difference for him.
Prior to that he had Adaquan and several drugs. I see the most improvement with this.
When he has solid footing he is able to stand much more easily.
I did just notice he has a lump on his foot and I ordered a product I saw on here and I'm going to start soaking his foot when I comes.
The Cosequin is safe and I ordered to on Ebay very reasonably.
Miss Lydia,

Two weeks ago yesterday after talking with his vet I put Oliver in standard Cosequin. It has the Boswellia and Hyaluronate.
It has definitely made a difference for him.
Prior to that he had Adaquan and several drugs. I see the most improvement with this.
When he has solid footing he is able to stand much more easily.
I did just notice he has a lump on his foot and I ordered a product I saw on here and I'm going to start soaking his foot when I comes.
The Cosequin is safe and I ordered to on Ebay very reasonably.
I think I'll look into it also thanks. what did you order for his foot?

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