Emergency--BO vomited water, labored breathing


May 5, 2020
Livermore, CA
I have a 3 yo BO that is in crisis. I went to check on her at 4 pm and she was in the nest box which I thought was odd as it was late in the day and she hasn't started laying this year nor is she broody. My husband went out at 5 pm to put the girls away and told me that Noodle was acting weird and drinking a ton of water. I went to pick her up and she vomited up water and has labored breathing. Her comb and wattle are bright red.

I am very sick with pneumonia and haven't been able to keep a close eye of my flock this week so I don't know how long she has been ill. I brought her inside and she is not breathing well. Please help--she is my favorite hen and I don't want to lose her. Could I have made her sick? I took a video and will figure out how to post it--I am panicking, atm.

Updating to note that I am taking Noodle to the Emergency Vet. I will update the thread with additional info, as available, in case it helps others in the community
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Stop panicking, it ok.
She likely has a crop issue or just a full crop and when you picked her up, you applied pressure and it spilled out. It's not unusual. She likely aspirated a bit but she'll likely be fine.

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