(EMERGENCY) Hen with broken egg inside body


Nov 18, 2023
I noticed she was lethargic and had a penguin stance. When I picked her up I immediately saw clear egg yolk-mucus goop out of her vent, which looked enlarged. She was quickly declining so I soaked her in epsom salt and tried to feel around for an egg with a lubricated gloved finger. I couldn't feel anything. After 30 minutes of soaking nothing changed so we rushed to the ER.

The Vet ER i went to is unexperienced with chickens, but when she was sitting on the ground there she pushed and pushed, then suddenly passed all of the CONTENTS of the egg. The egg 'white' and the yolk. She was left with a hanging strand of membrane coming from her vent.
The doctors gave her fluid, calcium, and painkiller injections. She seemed to be more relieved. She got prescribed antibiotics and we were told to keep checking to see if she passes the potentially broken shells.

Right now, she is isolated in a warm room and I saw her pass a watery poop (no blood). She ate a bit of food and was preening a little. The strand of white membrane is still hanging out. The vet told me not to pull it. I pulled it a TINY BIT and more of the membrane keeps being pulled out. I stopped because I don't know if it'll hurt her.

Hoping and praying she makes it. Any tips, and also should I pull the membrane? Why is it that she can kind of poop still?
pictures can be given, but she is sleeping in a carrier right now. Just ask and I'll try to get some.
Hi there. I'm sorry your hen isn't well. I don't think pulling out the membrane is an issue. The issue is more if you accidentally breaking an egg in her from doing it. But the egg has already broken.
It's likely she will be able to expell the rest on her own. Keep making sure she's relaxed and has food and water available.
If she can't expel it there are ways you can flush it out but I'm top scared to try that.
She can still poop because she's not completely blocked. Which is positive. Only if her cloaca is completely blocked by let's say a stuck fully formed egg would she not be able to expel excrement. Which would be an emergency.
I noticed she was lethargic and had a penguin stance. When I picked her up I immediately saw clear egg yolk-mucus goop out of her vent, which looked enlarged. She was quickly declining so I soaked her in epsom salt and tried to feel around for an egg with a lubricated gloved finger. I couldn't feel anything. After 30 minutes of soaking nothing changed so we rushed to the ER.

The Vet ER i went to is unexperienced with chickens, but when she was sitting on the ground there she pushed and pushed, then suddenly passed all of the CONTENTS of the egg. The egg 'white' and the yolk. She was left with a hanging strand of membrane coming from her vent.
The doctors gave her fluid, calcium, and painkiller injections. She seemed to be more relieved. She got prescribed antibiotics and we were told to keep checking to see if she passes the potentially broken shells.

Right now, she is isolated in a warm room and I saw her pass a watery poop (no blood). She ate a bit of food and was preening a little. The strand of white membrane is still hanging out. The vet told me not to pull it. I pulled it a TINY BIT and more of the membrane keeps being pulled out. I stopped because I don't know if it'll hurt her.

Hoping and praying she makes it. Any tips, and also should I pull the membrane? Why is it that she can kind of poop still?
pictures can be given, but she is sleeping in a carrier right now. Just ask and I'll try to get some.

Hi there. I'm sorry your hen isn't well. I don't think pulling out the membrane is an issue. The issue is more if you accidentally breaking an egg in her from doing it. But the egg has already broken.
It's likely she will be able to expell the rest on her own. Keep making sure she's relaxed and has food and water available.
If she can't expel it there are ways you can flush it out but I'm top scared to try that.
She can still poop because she's not completely blocked. Which is positive. Only if her cloaca is completely blocked by let's say a stuck fully formed egg would she not be able to expel excrement. Which would be an emergency.
Thanks, i took out what I could of to the hanging membrane. I read that egg bound chickens can poop watery poop.
Hoping over night she gets contractions from the calcium injection and passes whatever’s left.
I noticed she was lethargic and had a penguin stance. When I picked her up I immediately saw clear egg yolk-mucus goop out of her vent, which looked enlarged. She was quickly declining so I soaked her in epsom salt and tried to feel around for an egg with a lubricated gloved finger. I couldn't feel anything. After 30 minutes of soaking nothing changed so we rushed to the ER.

The Vet ER i went to is unexperienced with chickens, but when she was sitting on the ground there she pushed and pushed, then suddenly passed all of the CONTENTS of the egg. The egg 'white' and the yolk. She was left with a hanging strand of membrane coming from her vent.
The doctors gave her fluid, calcium, and painkiller injections. She seemed to be more relieved. She got prescribed antibiotics and we were told to keep checking to see if she passes the potentially broken shells.

Right now, she is isolated in a warm room and I saw her pass a watery poop (no blood). She ate a bit of food and was preening a little. The strand of white membrane is still hanging out. The vet told me not to pull it. I pulled it a TINY BIT and more of the membrane keeps being pulled out. I stopped because I don't know if it'll hurt her.

Hoping and praying she makes it. Any tips, and also should I pull the membrane? Why is it that she can kind of poop still?
pictures can be given, but she is sleeping in a carrier right now. Just ask and I'll try to get some.
@Eggcessive could I get some advice?
I noticed she was lethargic and had a penguin stance. When I picked her up I immediately saw clear egg yolk-mucus goop out of her vent, which looked enlarged. She was quickly declining so I soaked her in epsom salt and tried to feel around for an egg with a lubricated gloved finger. I couldn't feel anything. After 30 minutes of soaking nothing changed so we rushed to the ER.

The Vet ER i went to is unexperienced with chickens, but when she was sitting on the ground there she pushed and pushed, then suddenly passed all of the CONTENTS of the egg. The egg 'white' and the yolk. She was left with a hanging strand of membrane coming from her vent.
The doctors gave her fluid, calcium, and painkiller injections. She seemed to be more relieved. She got prescribed antibiotics and we were told to keep checking to see if she passes the potentially broken shells.

Right now, she is isolated in a warm room and I saw her pass a watery poop (no blood). She ate a bit of food and was preening a little. The strand of white membrane is still hanging out. The vet told me not to pull it. I pulled it a TINY BIT and more of the membrane keeps being pulled out. I stopped because I don't know if it'll hurt her.

Hoping and praying she makes it. Any tips, and also should I pull the membrane? Why is it that she can kind of poop still?
pictures can be given, but she is sleeping in a carrier right now. Just ask and I'll try to get some.
EDIT: is there a chance it was a
I noticed she was lethargic and had a penguin stance. When I picked her up I immediately saw clear egg yolk-mucus goop out of her vent, which looked enlarged. She was quickly declining so I soaked her in epsom salt and tried to feel around for an egg with a lubricated gloved finger. I couldn't feel anything. After 30 minutes of soaking nothing changed so we rushed to the ER.

The Vet ER i went to is unexperienced with chickens, but when she was sitting on the ground there she pushed and pushed, then suddenly passed all of the CONTENTS of the egg. The egg 'white' and the yolk. She was left with a hanging strand of membrane coming from her vent.
The doctors gave her fluid, calcium, and painkiller injections. She seemed to be more relieved. She got prescribed antibiotics and we were told to keep checking to see if she passes the potentially broken shells.

Right now, she is isolated in a warm room and I saw her pass a watery poop (no blood). She ate a bit of food and was preening a little. The strand of white membrane is still hanging out. The vet told me not to pull it. I pulled it a TINY BIT and more of the membrane keeps being pulled out. I stopped because I don't know if it'll hurt her.

Hoping and praying she makes it. Any tips, and also should I pull the membrane? Why is it that she can kind of poop still?
pictures can be given, but she is sleeping in a carrier right now. Just ask and I'll try to get some.
Update: after waking up she passed two more watery poops. I can’t tell if what she passed is egg white along with poop or just diahreah. That part is slimy and clear like egg white. She is very perky, though, walking around, eating and drinking, and even flying up to roost on a heater I put in the room. I am not even sure she has anything left inside her. Regardless, should I give her another calcium pill to see if she will push out the rest? What will happen if she starts laying another egg?
How long ago was the vet visit and the calcium? You can give calcium citrate with d3 once a day if she is still showing signs of passing egg parts. She can poop because she is not egg bound. The calcium helps muscle contraction to pass the rest of what may be inside. She could have another egg coming along, so she may be feeling weak. I would not soak her but instead place her on a warm towel in a warm humid area. Make sure that she gets either layer feed or access to calcium in crushed oyster shell that she can take if she needs it. Sometimes there can be a problem in the oviduct in the shell gland that is causing the shell less eggs. Have a look at the pictures in the link below to see where the problem may lie:
How long ago was the vet visit and the calcium? You can give calcium citrate with d3 once a day if she is still showing signs of passing egg parts. She can poop because she is not egg bound. The calcium helps muscle contraction to pass the rest of what may be inside. She could have another egg coming along, so she may be feeling weak. I would not soak her but instead place her on a warm towel in a warm humid area. Make sure that she gets either layer feed or access to calcium in crushed oyster shell that she can take if she needs it. Sometimes there can be a problem in the oviduct in the shell gland that is causing the shell less eggs. Have a look at the pictures in the link below to see where the problem may lie:
The calcium was given at around 7 last night. It’s now 8 am. She keeps popping but it’s more slimy egg white than actual poop material.


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The calcium was given at around 7 last night. It’s now 8 am. She keeps popping but it’s more slimy egg white than actual poop material.
bumping this thread, she is often closing her eyes but still standing properly and eating a little. she drank a ton of water. Im massaging her crop so it goes down. I also gave her the first dose of antibiotics and she became sleepy after
If her crop is squishy or puffy, massage could cause her to choke. Was the crop empty early in the morning before she ate or drank? That is the best time to judge if the crop is working. Drinking a lot is good, and could be because she is having some crop issues. The white in the poop could contain urates as well. What type of antibiotic are you giving, and the dosage?
If her crop is squishy or puffy, massage could cause her to choke. Was the crop empty early in the morning before she ate or drank? That is the best time to judge if the crop is working. Drinking a lot is good, and could be because she is having some crop issues. The white in the poop could contain urates as well. What type of antibiotic are you giving, and the dosage?
She had an impacted crop a few months ago that has been resolved. her crop has been squishy ever since. Until this incident she had solid, healthy poop dispite having a puffy crop. Her crop was never hard in the mornings or full of food.

This morning I saw she had expelled a huge yellowish white diahrea. Her crop was kind of small and not full of food. I’ve gotten her to eat minimal amounts of feed and a few mealworms. She hasn’t had any trace of brown poop yet since around 8 am (it’s 10:30 now). She had not passed any more egg material since then either.

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