Emergency!! Sick 1 1/2 week old Serama chick!!


10 Years
Aug 9, 2012
So currently I have 7 Serama chicks that I just hatched out about a week and half ago, all seemed really healthy and they loved my turkey poults(BBW) and other chicks (which are sapphire gem pullets) however I did not introduce them to the others until they were around 3 days old, I watched pretty consistently for a day and there was no pecking or harassment from the turkeys or the larger chicks. all are thriving but I separated them about 3 days ago when I noticed some of the Serama looked tired all the time and were very lethargic, I put some vitamins/electrolytes/ probiotics In the serums water when I separated them. But there is one chick that is very tiny, has very long wings but no body weight like a healthy chick should have. It sleeps constantly and I have seen it poop but it is always watery. I gave it some nutridrench today and I have seen no improvement, it looks like its getting to the point where you can tell the chick is going to pass away. Its droopy and it doesn't wiggle or anything when I try to pick it up which the others will run as fast as their legs can carry them. I am afraid this could pass on to the other chicks, I gave the turkeys and larger chicks some of the water mixture as well and they are all fine. But one of the other Serama chicks is a little weaker than the others and im starting to think maybe it is spreading or something is wrong with their genetics? I got these eggs from a lady who breeds in her backyard micro Serama and class a&b. I dont know, im thinking about separating the one chick by itself because its just getting run on top of when the other chicks are running around and scratching for food. I just dont want it to spread to my other chicks.
Here are some pictures of the chick, after I took the pic of the chick in my hand I set it back down and thats the picture of it on the ground.


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