EMERGENCY wounded baby bunny found


Mar 1, 2015
How can I care for it! Our cat found a rabbit and its leg is wounded from the cat I need to know what to do! Please help
My quail lost a whole leg last year and I didnt even notice it. Oftentimes animals can handle these things pretty well, just make sure infection doesn't set in. She almost died from a fever from the infection a few months later. So watch for signs of illness, keep wound clean until its completly healed, give it a soft surface to walk on to avoid aggravating it. The vet does need to take a look though, and don't feel bad if your animal friend doesn't make it-my sis in law tried to save a wounded rabbit once and it died. They're kinda fragile. You can eat them though, but that prob won't make you feel better :/
If its not bleeding or broken, and you are sure there arent any other injuries, you can prob treat it yourself.

Use a natural nontoxic antibacterial to clean the wound, or squirt on hydrogen peroxide and rinse it off. Put the rabbit in a clean cage with sawdust or clean grass, water, and some food and leave it undisturbed for a day some place quiet to avoid shock.
If the leg is injured from the cat bite, it is very likely to become infected. Cats have lots of nasty bacteria in their mouths.

Is this a wild rabbit? If so, you will want to try to find a wildlife center to take it. Even with proper medical care, it is not easy to get wild bunnies through injuries. Especially babies! If there is not an accessible wildlife center available, you may want to consider putting the rabbit down yourself.

You can try to mend it on your own, but depending on the damage, it may never be releasable again. And without systemic antibiotics, treating with topicals may be futile.

If it's a domestic rabbit, I would definitely recommend a trip to the vet.
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The bunny was pretty freaked out and it's bone was going through it's leg so we ended up having to sadly put it out of its misery.
Time to make your cat an indoor cat. Cats who are indoor are not bored and obnoxious provided you make their environment interesting and add plenty of enrichment. You can also construct an outdoor cat pet so your cat can enjoy being outside, but where the cat cannot slaughter local wildlife. To let your cat roam and kill for fun is not part of being a responsible cat keeper. This comic helps illustrate that fact.

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