Empty crops at night


8 Years
Jun 13, 2015
So tonight I butchered a hen that I was sure wasn't laying, and turns out she was actually sick - probably an internal laid egg. I caught her just before roosting time (what a chase around the coop to catch her!) As I butchered, the first clue that something was wrong was that her crop was empty. That was convenient for me, but seemed like it was abnormal (turns out, it was abnormal).

That is when I realized I know nothing about the condition of my hens' crops at night, and I also realized this is easy to fix. I went to the coop and palpated everyone's crop. Of 11 hens, 3 had crops I could not palpate - presumably empty. Most had crops approximately the size of golf balls. One had a larger crop, maybe the size of an extra large egg or so.

These are large dual purpose breeds - Buckeyes and Barnevelders. What should I expect for crop size in the evening? Are there management points I should consider for the birds with empty crops? (One of the birds with an empty crop is on my "watch" list already. The other two just got moved back into the pen today after being in quarantine in the chicken tractor for several weeks. I'm not too concerned about them.... yet).
It's my understanding that they should be full at night...they eat all day and process what's in the crop all night? :oops:
It's my understanding that they should be full at night...they eat all day and process what's in the crop all night? :oops:

That's what I thought too! So I was surprised at the relatively small size of the crops (and realized what an easy management tool this is to get early warning on sick birds!)

@aart if I remember correctly, you once said you often palpate crops at night?? Can you offer input on what is normal?
Maybe they aren't eating enough during the day?

That is definitely possible. We have a large run with cedar trees in it, and they like to hang out under the cedars all day and don't really spend all that much time in the coop. The run is not covered, so I don't keep feed out there. All the feed is in the coop (water available both outside & inside)
I bet this is the "problem"...they aren't filling up the crop each day.
Hmph. Well now I am going to have to measure feed consumption too.

So um... any idea how much feed should an adult laying hen eat per day?
I gotta call it a night.
Ill catch up with you tomorrow.

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