Empty crops at night

Ideally, unless it is really hot or birds vested in brood care, crops are close to full at time they go to roost. Then crops are depleted by morning. Depletion rate varies with food quality and physiological need. Hens not engaged engaged with brood rearing generally have distended crops going into night, especially when in lay. Not eating enough can be tied to health issues or feeding regimen. When I have concern about crop fill sometimes a pile of whole grains and / or wetted feed is presented about 30 minutes before the the birds go to roost. Many will engage in a burst of feeding activity to top off crop. If crop not filled, then look carefully for health issues.
Have you ever thought about fermenting their feed?
How many birds do you have total?
I make sure they never run out of feed.

I have looked into fermenting feed, but I don't really want to do it. It sounds like extra mess and fuss and "one more thing to do" every day and I am not very excited about that.

I am also keeping in mind that these hens just lost their rooster 2 days ago. He had been bringing them back into the coop about half hour before roost time, to eat more feed. I am hoping they will adjust back to that habit soon.
That's what I thought too! So I was surprised at the relatively small size of the crops (and realized what an easy management tool this is to get early warning on sick birds!)

@aart if I remember correctly, you once said you often palpate crops at night?? Can you offer input on what is normal?
It's a good 'tool' to check crops at night if you suspect a problem. If I have a bird isolated for observation of ill health I definitely pull feed and check crop at night then in morning before giving feed again. I also have crate and tray set up so I can clearly see poops.

My birds almost always fill their crops just before roost time.
Was handling a few last night, they had full crops.
I asked how many total birds you had because next I wanted to ask you how much feed you go through in a month.
I only have 8 girls and I use one 50 pound sack of feed in 30 days. My girls all go to bed with full crops. So...I am just wondering how much feed you use?
I asked how many total birds you had because next I wanted to ask you how much feed you go through in a month.
I only have 8 girls and I use one 50 pound sack of feed in 30 days. My girls all go to bed with full crops. So...I am just wondering how much feed you use?

Well this would be when there were 12 hens and 1 rooster in the coop, it took about 2 - 2.5 weeks to use a 50 lb sack of feed. So that is on the low end of the range of feed consumption that was listed in the article you linked to.

My birds almost always fill their crops just before roost time.
Was handling a few last night, they had full crops.

And how big is a full crop? Would golf ball size be considered full, or should it be a bit bigger?

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