Emu baby chronicles :) NEW PIC pg 31!!


12 Years
Apr 30, 2007
South Louisiana
ok so we decided on a whim that we wanted to try hatching an emu egg well.........this came in saturday it's huge and heavyhe egg to the right is one of our silkie eggs for comparison

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well it takes a different incubation method so it has it's own incubator. It can take up to 55 days to hatch so we won't know till february if we have a chick.
But should it be successful and hatch we'll keep it till it is to big for us and we have a local friend with a few acres of land who would want it should it hatch and thrive.
Not a dumb question at all! From what I've learned you can't candle them.....well I guess if you had a super candler you could? But a few weeks into incubation your supposed to hold them in your hand and if it is fertile it will stay warm in your hands because of the chicks body temp and if its not developing it will cool quickly. Well this is what I learned from my research anyways.
Man would I LOVE TO TRY THAT...but if it hatched my Papa would kill me or make me give it away to a farm or something before it gets to big.

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