Emu chick needs help


In the Brooder
Feb 28, 2023

In the Brooder​

I recently hatched 4 emu chicks. The first one to hatch was by far the smallest has been fine for a week but mid day today I started noticing odd behavior. He/she seems lethargic the other 4 are up and alert this one always seems to be sleeping. When he is awake he seems fine but crashes hard and fast. When he is crashed he balls up and you can pick him up and he seems week and limp. Anyone know what is going on?


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Unfortunately I’m not of much help. None of my emu chicks over the last couple seasons have had any issues like this. If it were me, I would tube feed some nutrients to see if it livens up a bit. Hopefully it’s not a defect of some kind like nuthatched mentioned.

Aren’t there a couple people that know which supplements would be best to provide? Drawing a blank on names.
That looks like a vitamin E deficiency. You need to supplement Vitamin E and Selenium. You can either go to the feed store and buy the paste that's for sheep and goats and give a pea sized amount of paste, or you can try adding Nutri Drench to their water. It might take some time to see improvement.

Sounds like you're already supplementing B vitamins with the Rooster Booster so that part is handled. I also like to do some of the Poultry Booster top dress sprinkled on their feed once a day.
That looks like a vitamin E deficiency. You need to supplement Vitamin E and Selenium. You can either go to the feed store and buy the paste that's for sheep and goats and give a pea sized amount of paste, or you can try adding Nutri Drench to their water. It might take some time to see improvement.

Sounds like you're already supplementing B vitamins with the Rooster Booster so that part is handled. I also like to do some of the Poultry Booster top dress sprinkled on their feed once a day.
Thank you, I will try that. Is this the paste your talking about?


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Thank you, I will try that. Is this the paste your talking about?

Yes, that is the one :) Only give the pea sized amount once and then let it be for a bit, because too much can be harmful. You can add Nutri Drench to the water at the same time and it should be fine.

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