Emu Has Bloody Stool

Ok I gave it a shot of tylan 200 and safeguard liquid for goats down it's throat. It started breathing heavy and then the breathing slowed down and it started drinking and eating again in my kitchen. It was very very hot today and none of them ate and they hardly drank any water, could this be the cause? I will let you know if it still has bloody poop in the morning, hopefully it is over.
My little big emu did not make it, he died today. The breeder never had a bird poop blood before, it's the first he's ever heard of it happening. So I ask WHY ME?! He thinks the bird might have found something sharp in the dirt and swallowed it. His wife might know more so he will call her and ask her to see if there is something that can be done just in case. I miss my little big emu :hit
Oh hey I'm so sorry :hugs

Here I am in the middle of incubation, already agonizing over my emu eggs ... I'm quite attached to them all, losing a baby after all that is horrible. :(

I wish I'd been online yesterday ... I'm new to emu, probably wouldn't have been much help, but pretty good with other animals and birds, maybe better than nothing. Maybe we can still identify the issue and prevent any further tragedies.

Can you give any more detail?

What consistency were the droppings apart from the blood?

Was it copious blood or just a little? (more or less than a teaspoon, tablespoon?)

What colour? Dark blackish, bright red, diluted pinkish?

If it was significant quantities, then I would back the swallowed something sharp theory.

Blackish blood in most animals indicates internal bleeding higher in the digestive system, eg stomach. Its also quite hard to identify as blood, so probably this is not what you had.

Copious bright red would indicate bleeding later, eg colon.

If it was little traces, particularly pinkish, or bright with perhaps mucousy droppings with weird fleshy chunks, then I would tend more towards coccidiosis ... if emu can get cocci ... I would think they probably can, everything from cows to chickens gets cocci.

Behavior in the days prior to the blood might help too ... if baby was perfectly happy and active, then injury is more likely, if s/he was maybe a little less enthused, illness is probably the answer ... although all animals will try to hide it as long as they can.

:hugs I'm sorry you lost one of your babies, I wish I could help more ...
Hi Yoda-
I'm so sorry to hear about your loss :(
After going to the vet I do know that parasites can be treated with Panacur or an equivalent called Safe-Guard.

Thanks for sharing that info EBarnes, good to know.
my first suspicion would be like the breeder said, it swallowed something that punctured it's gut. UNLESS.....the bird was staggering, ataxia
etc. then it could have been encephalitis.
If you have a bad mosquito problem time to try to eradicate them best you can.
Pre strike works good in stagnant water holes, etc.
Sorry for your loss. Yes, have seen seen a bloody stool. Found a piece of metal in the blessing. Couldn't tell for sure if the two were related. (No vet help here: tame-wild bird)

Policing pens for ANY objects is vitally important.
People vaccinate your Emus. I had 3, the first one went from healthy to bloody poop and I mean a red liquid poo in a couple hours. He was dead within 12 hours, a few hours after he died a second one started same symptoms and he died next day. I gave the last one the EEE vaccine and she too is showing the same signs. There is no cure for this :hitI do not know if this little one will survive or not. Was told NOT to do a necropsy because I could catch it even though the bird is dead. I found out that there is a bird vet near me so I will be calling her. Called and they do not know anything about emu. Again, vaccinate your birds against this so you do not go through what I am going through
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People vaccinate your Emus. I had 3, the first one went from healthy to bloody poop and I mean a red liquid poo in a couple hours. He was dead within 12 hours, a few hours after he died a second one started same symptoms and he died next day. I gave the last one the EEE vaccine and she too is showing the same signs. There is no cure for this :hitI do not know if this little one will survive or not. Was told NOT to do a necropsy because I could catch it even though the bird is dead. I found out that there is a bird vet near me so I will be calling her. Will post what she states. Again, vaccinate your birds against this so you do not go through what I am going through
So sorry for your losses, I feel so bad for you. :hugs

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