Emu incubator help please


6 Years
Mar 12, 2015

I currently have an older little giant air circulated foam incubator and have hatched a lot of chicks with it but I really struggle with temp and humidity with this unit and have had low hatch rates with chickens. I am wanting to get 2 to 6 emu eggs and hatch with my daughter. Any suggestions on a incubator with good temp and humidity control that doesn't cost a fortune that could fit 2 to 6 emu eggs? I think they would fit in my little giant but would be very close to heating element as a could build a small extension and raise it a few inches but worry with the cost of eggs and the low hatch rates I have had with this that I should try something else. Thanks so much for you input, My delighter and I are looking forward to this adventure.
The problem is emu eggs take at least 2x as lo g to incuvate. Not healthy for a hen to brood that long if she even accepted it
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@Pyxis made one out if a fish tank I think

I did, using an Incukit. It worked well and hatched some chicks :)

I've also heard the Incuview will work for emu eggs. Not sure how many eggs will fit in it but if I recall @FishMtFarm used one for some emu eggs so she might be able to tell you.

You can also fit about three small ones into a Nurture Right 360. But for six, you need something more sizeable. If you can get your hands on a Brinsea Octagon 40, I know you can fit eight in there. You'd have to find someone selling a used one though because Brinsea doesn't make them any longer.
I did, using an Incukit. It worked well and hatched some chicks :)

I've also heard the Incuview will work for emu eggs. Not sure how many eggs will fit in it but if I recall @FishMtFarm used one for some emu eggs so she might be able to tell you.

You can also fit about three small ones into a Nurture Right 360. But for six, you need something more sizeable. If you can get your hands on a Brinsea Octagon 40, I know you can fit eight in there. You'd have to find someone selling a used one though because Brinsea doesn't make them any longer
Awesome Thanks so much for the information! Any tips on thermometers to use?

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