enclosed run - Chicken wire roof?


5 Years
Apr 25, 2017
Building a 12 x 8 enclosed run attached to my prefab coop. Can I use chicken wire for the "roof" of the run? I have hardware cloth buried and for the walls. Is the main concern for chicken wire that predators can nab a chicken that pokes a head through?

So I shouldn't have to worry about this for the roof right? Or might a fox kamikaze bomb the roof to get in?
I didn't even think about them poking their little heads through the holes. Getting ready to do the same thing if it WILL EVER QUIT RAINING!

We don't have the little critters other than raccoons around here but I am worried about our house cats. You are right, they would swat at the heads.

Looks like it's hardware cloth on top for me. I have a huge stack of pallets I was going to use for the sides and then just chicken wire the inside but now I'm going to fret and worry over that.
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2 inch chicken wire is not a fool proof way to protect your birds. Any substantial predators like foxes, coons, coyotes, etc that can climb on to the top of the pen will have little trouble cutting through 2 inch chicken wire. I have used it with mostly satisfying results but do be warned that it is not 100%, in reality nothing is 100%,

It will discourage or prevent most loses associated with raptors.

Since hawks etc are protected species you may (or you may not) want to get a ball bat to use to massage any raptor who becomes entangled in your chicken wire.

I well imagine that any raptor who runs a-foul of your fowl protection could stand a wee amount of muscle manipulation and an old ball bat fits the bill nicely.
2 inch chicken wire is not a fool proof way to protect your birds. Any substantial predators like foxes, coons, coyotes, etc that can climb on to the top of the pen will have little trouble cutting through 2 inch chicken wire. I have used it with mostly satisfying results but do be warned that it is not 100%, in reality nothing is 100%,

It will discourage or prevent most loses associated with raptors.

Since hawks etc are protected species you may (or you may not) want to get a ball bat to use to massage any raptor who becomes entangled in your chicken wire.

I well imagine that any raptor who runs a-foul of your fowl protection could stand a wee amount of muscle manipulation and an old ball bat fits the bill nicely.
Gotcha, I guess I should have said that, are foxes/racoons going to be able to destroy it and get in. Thanks!
One question as you know about this. I plan to keep them in coup at night, 8 birds, nice big 60sq ft coup, well built....and allow outside during the day. My thought was it isn't as dangerous during the daytime, just the house cats out prowling around. Night time, yes...racoons and who know what else out there, but if a day use only situation....do we need to be as protective? Or am I being naive?
My old run was topped with chicken wire to keep out raptors, and with birds locked in their coop at night, it worked well for many years. Snow and ice can be a problem, and hardware cloth will be worse unless very well supported. Total safety is hard (read expensive!). We rebuilt our run a couple of years ago, so it's now framed, roofed, and very safe. Mary
I see that you are in the Pacific North West, may I suggest a solid roof for your run? We live in SW OH, not near the rain you get and in the spring with the rain and humidity, even with a solid roof, the run gets wet. A solid roof will also allow the chickens to be outdoors in any type of weather.
I'm building a run using my barn as one wall since the coop will be located inside in an unused horse stall. I plan on 6 chickens to start, never more than 12. Inside area is roughly 9.5 x 9.5. I will put in a door to the outside run. I was thinking about 4' wide and 25 feet long. Should I roof the whole length or just part of it?
I thought our run was secure, but we lost our entire flock to racoons in the middle of the day.

bittynic I am SO sorry to hear about your tragedy! That is just awful! May I ask - how did the coons get in? I have such a fear of that happening and want to make sure my flock is as protected as can be....

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