Ended - Coop Contest Fall/Winter 2009 - Win $20 Gift Cert.

This is all so fantastic! Tanks everybody for all the great submissions. Looks like we'll have multiple winners again here pretty soon!! We'll keep the contest open for a while and will make sure everyone gets plenty of notice before we get close to closing the contest for judging.
Please enter my coop in the contest. A big thank you to all the designs I looked at to "pool" all ideas into this one.


is my coop page. When I first started adding pictures, I tried the upload tool but the pictures were fuzzy and when I tried to resize them they also became distorted.
Then in the video I saw where it said you could load them using the url from any online hosting so I loaded them from picasa. If this isn't allowed for the contest, sorry then
don't enter me but here is the design anyway if you can use it. Building the coop was a lot of fun and if anyone has any questions, I'd be more than happy to try and help.

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