Ended - Coop Contest Fall/Winter 2009 - Win $20 Gift Cert.

Nice job and very pretty setting! I'm sure your girls are very happy!
Please enter our coop in the contest. The photos and commentary are on my (only) BYC page https://www.backyardchickens.com/web/viewblog.php?id=37983

We don't have photos taken during construction. As I state on my page, it took us all summer and into the fall to finish it! The reason is that we are newbie chicken keepers who made modifications to it as we learned what our chickens needed and what our preferences were in caring for them.

HOWEVER, we do have lots of commentary explaining why we made the changes we did that may be helpful to beginners like ourselves.

We also did not include plans b/c we started with Dennis Harrison-Noonan's plans - which he sells. I don't know at what point we've made enough modifications that we can count them as our own plans.

Finally, I'd like to suggest to the administrators that you have separate categories for urban and rural coops. There are some significant differences to consider when building a small coop for a city backyard versus a big one for large flocks where the owners have more land.

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I have to remove my coop from the contest. I thought for sure I would get it done in time but it has snowed most every weekend that I had planned to work on it and I still haven't finished it! I knew that it was the rules that it had to be completed before entering but I thought a month was plenty of time to finish it.

Sorry I acted prematurely! Maybe it will be done by the next time.

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You have one of the nicest coops I've ever seen! What a great combination of utility & comfort yet not fancy.. just my style. I will be voting for you for sure.

P.S. it looks like as your birds grow the roost ladder might have them pooping on each other... might want a little more spread between perches.. a 1' or more... I did that when I started too.. was fine until they hit 6&7 months old. But I'm not complaining... seriously... I think yours is awesome!!!! Wow! It's like a real cabin in the woods! Good job.. it took a little longer than you expected but WOW what a result.

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