ENDED - Winner Announced - Official BYC Caption Contest 7/27/15 - picture by rendezvous1838

*annoying person*

When are you going to take the picture??? Take it take it take it! That's a terrible picture! Why didn't you get their faces?!?
Two chickens:
I love your tush.
I love your tush I wish I had it.
No I wish I had yours.
Oh I know! Let's take a picture of our tushes and then photo shop them and switch them.
Great lets do this!
"Ok, Sister, put your tail in the air like you just don't care" Shake it, shake it, "Pullets in the house, Rooster on the prowl" Shake it, shake it, "Gonna get me a piece of that fine fowl" Shake it , shake it "Fertilize my egg and go on your way" Shake it, shake it, "Tired of the humans stealin' my eggs all day" Shake it, shake it, "Duck your head down low for the big finish...here we go", Shake it , shake it. "Hens rockin out!" "Cluck"

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