Entertianing my 3 chickens


7 Years
Jul 7, 2015
Fairfield, CA
I'm very new to chicken but I built a coop attached a run kinda small 3' x 10' run. I live in town track home not much room. I wonder I should have something in there for them to do. third day outside all they do is stay under the coop. It is also in the high 80's here? Please any thoughts..
A way you could entertain them could be getting a mesh bag and putting kitchen scraps like lettuce, spinach, old fruit, pretty much anything other than coffee grounds, any caffeine, avocado, citrus and moldy food. You can feed them garlic, onion and herbs, but they will flavor the eggs.
Using live meal worms, train the birds to come to you when called. Then train them to jump up for them and ultimately to fly up on someting. Look into methods for hiding food items in holes cut in pieces of wood the birds can walk on. Put a leaf of hay into coop and toss a handfull of BOSS and whole corn into it so birds can look for the eats.

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