Entire flock killed. What would you do?

I feel so sad for you and yours .I will tell you this,keep it legal and be as calm as you can .Emotions are high as they should be understandably. You have to coexist in the neighborhood and some people even in the wrong,"just do not get it". Your home should be yours and anyone or animal that lives there should feel safe. There is alot of spite in our world and you need to try not to encourage those that just look for a problem.I always tell my girls that here on the island everyone lives there own paradise ,some live it in very questionable ways.Try to step back and be proactive not reactive as that is the only way to keep your family safe.
hi there sorry for the lost not sure the law in CA is but???, my response is grab the dog and take it to the spca as they will found the dog a better home, as the neighbour doesnt have a heart of gold especially if he doesnt give a dam about animals, in saying this aswell its also not really the dogs fault as it is the owner responability to train the dog better and to make sure the dog is safe around animals unless the dog is trained to be a hunting dog and if this is right the dog should be in a cage kennel and be licenced and i think the owner of the dog should be charged and i agree with some of the posts as the owner is responiable and should pay for the new flock and food for a year as i guess its hard to work out the exact profit you would of saved from the eggs and savings in the wallet and because of the value of the blood and sweat that you's have spend to get your chickens to be the best perfect loving flock
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Write the jerk a bill of laden for your chickens!

Did you mean bill of lading? If so it really doesn't make sence.

bill of lading (sometimes referred to as a BOL,or B/L) is a document issued by a carrier to a shipper, acknowledging that specified goods have been received on board as cargo for conveyance to a named place for delivery to the consignee who is usually identified. A through bill of lading involves the use of at least two different modes of transport from road, rail, air, and sea. The term derives from the verb "to lade" which means to load a cargo onto a ship or other form of transportation.​
The dog was being a dog. Dogs are preditors, chickens are prey. Nature dictated that there is nothing evil about what the dog did. As to jailing the owner exactly what would the criminal charge be? This is a civil matter not a criminal matter.

The owner should never have let his dog run loose on someone else's property where they could kill their animals. If the owner was more responsible and trained his mutt to behave this may have never happenend. And yes I feel anger towards both the owner and the dog. What if the mutt got in the yard and killed or injured a child???
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I'm so sorry.
I don't think you're going to get any reimbursement from this guy. Even if they award it to you, he's not going to pay. I hope animal control saw the conditions his dog is living in and I hope he doesn't get any more chickens.

For your new chickens: I'd build a run and only let them free range when you can supervise. That way, you don't have to worry about the dog getting in your yard when you're not there. I'd also buy an automatic door. I have one and it is well worth the money. And lastly, hot wire the outside of the run, so if that dog tries again it feels the pain!
I did supervise them when they were out. But, I'll admit this was an act of empty-headedness that I shall not repeat. Especially since the new coop and run are inside a very fenced-in part of our property.

We live in a remote, rural area of the mountains. A lot of people up here live here because they don't want to have to answer to the laws of regular civilization. Our neighbor is an example of this mentality. I do wish I knew what animal control did about this. Hmmm...

Thanks for all the responses and advice.
You need to PM horsejody. She can give you the full report and she is like a bulldog on this whole dog thing.
Keep calling animal control and your local humane officers. Besides all the awful chicken stuff, it's illegal in CA to keep a dog chained. if your animal control officers ignore that law, feel free to contact me so I can get you in touch with the right people.
I think I'd call the landlord and tell him you are going to file a claim with your insurance company. Ask him who carries his homeowners insurance so that your company can get in touch with them. I'm pretty sure he won't let the dog stay at his rental anymore. His insurance will probably go up if they know there is a vicious dog and a drunk living there.

edited because I can't spell
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I don't see how this is the dogs fault. This dog is doing what naturally comes to it. It is the owners fault and from what the OP has said doens't sound like a good person to begin with so why would the dog be automatically blamed?? The owner is the one responsible and it is not the dogs fault that his or her owner doens't manage or care enough. The dog should not be punished for the persons crimes.

I don't see why it would be assumed that the dog would attack a person or child because it attacked some chickens. Some dogs are bired dogs. they just like to attack birds. If someone had a registered brittany spaniel for example that was used to hunt some kind of bird no one would think or assume that this dog might turn on the owner or neighbor and attack somone. Why would this be assumed in this case? Either because the dog got off it's leash which is the owners fault or because it ate the chickens which while sad, upsetting and heartbreaking for the OP and me is what certain and most dogs do. Not a dog out to attack anything in it's path.

Now, I feel this person is responsible whole heartedly. NOT even an apology. This just shows what kind of people they are. They should at least apologize for their mistake. Those were your pets. I know that would upset and agitate me. Don't know if you should sue or not. That would have to be up to you. I am soo sorry for your loss. And for your misforune of having BAD neighbors. GOOD LUCK!!

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