Escaped Chicken Stories!?

Llee34, I am cracking up! I can't believe your roo stole some of your ladies! That's hilarious! You clearly handled it the best way possible in my opinion. What a show off!
We normally keep her on a short leash near us when the chickens are out. She loves them, and really enjoys laying at our feet watching them. She will let them come up and pluck at her tail or hop on her back. Very gentle dog.

On the day of the incident, I was cleaning out the coop, and the girls were up on their roost, I thought it would be fine to block the door with the wheelbarrow. For some reason, Eggnella got a bee in her bonnet and started racing around the floor of the coop like a crazy act. The dog leapt over the wheelbarrow like a reindeer, grabbed her, and leapt back out and ran around, so pleased with herself with poor Eggnella in her mouth. I thought she was a goner for sure, but when the dog dropped her, she just got up and walked away, not one feather out of place. Lesson learned, dog is never out when coop door is open now.

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