Eureka California Earthquake ....

LadyHawk, those things are no fun, and animals often sense natural happenings before humans do. I have learned to pay attention. Even the bluejays warn me when Mr. Big Snake is on the prowl.
I seem to have spent most of my life in fault zones here in the US and in SA, and I still don't like it at all! The fault here lies about 15-20 miles northwest of us, plus we have tornados and hurricanes! I am ONLY here because of love!

Bargain, hope all is well with your daughter.
Earthquakes have got to be scary. You constantly hear people talking about quakes in California but the worst quake to every hit this country occurred smack dab in the middle. The New Madrid fault earthquake in 1812 was felt as far away as Toronto, Canada.
The first one I remember was about 4 years ago in the middle of the night, just felt like a minor vibration. The last one was just last year and I was outside. That one shook the ground pretty good and made a big rumble, sounded like someone blasting on the mountain.
I've left messages for daughter and am praying that she will call soon.....It will be great and blessed to hear her voice. Church was cancelled today due to the ice/snow, so I'm especially appreciative of good thoughts and prayers.
I heard that the quake's epicenter was about 8 miles off the coast of Humbolt, but it was still felt in the cities that weren't too far inland. The state issued a tsunami warning, which they then also dismissed not too long after.

I'm in the Bay Area and didn't feel a thing (I've actually never felt an earthquake.) but of course got a call from my mom in Texas asking if I was okay, apparently she saw a news bulletin about "some huge earthquake that nearly took out an entire city in Northern, California, so I just had to call."...

Oh mother.
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Oh yeah, it was a good one. We were only 20 or 30 miles from the epicenter so we got shaken up pretty good. Not really that bad though if you compare it to some we've had in the past. 6.5 is scary but earthquakes get exponentialy worse as the numbers get higher. Once you get into the 7.0 range and above it gets really freaky! I'll still take an earthquake over a tornado or hurricane any day.
I have taken vacasions where I drove to florida, whatched the hurricanes com in then drive home in them. Others go to watch tornados.... Not many people go on vacasion to see an earthquake..... I would but there so darn unpredictable...

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