Ever feel lonely when you dont have any PM's waiting for you?

well crappers hunny..Im so sorry
I witnessed my dog getting killed as well as my cat when I was young-it really sucks ....
give that to your DD
morning everyone. wow those chickens are very disturbing. I feel sorry for them.

Kassandra you had a roller coaster weekend. Winning your shows and then your daughters little dog. that is so sad. Here is a big hug for your whole family. I know you all must be just devastated.

Tex, how did the coop end up, did you get it finished?

Hope everyone had a good weekend. I had another good one with family. I really hate coming back. but I have a job here and have to continue this way until I get it all worked out.

Thanks on both counts. She called me last night at 1030 ( I was at work) bawling her eyes out. I told her just to try and get some rest and that maybe we'd get another puppy one day. Called me again at 6 am crying. I told her not to worry about getting uP for school and just stay home today. Sheesh!! I hate this!!
Good Morning all! I had a great weekend, Ducky stayed the night with us Saturday night, so I got lots of cuddle time with him!!

Kassandra--I am so sorry to hear about your daughter's puppy! It is bad enough for us to deal with and then have our children hurting as well. I wish we could just shield them from all that bad stuff. Congrats on her interview though. I have heard of him!

Robin--Glad you had a great weekend!

Tex--Declare war and keep at Mr. Coyote!!

Nat--How did the car wash go?
Good I guess--I was so out of it from being on meds-I did not get wet nor wash but my butt pocket was the bank:) 350$ -Im sure if it would have been warmer we would have done fabulous...
Hi Ladies, hope you are all doing fine. This thread died. Gotten liven it up. Whats the plan for Halloween? Heading to my moms. We are going to go see the movie The Help. She just finished reading the book and wants to go. No parties or dress up for me.

Bessy is still hung over from her big night out last night. She has slept all day and still sleeping. Andy hasn't done much better. He did wake up to eat, but that was it.

Have a great evening. talk to you all in the morning.

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