Ever feel lonely when you dont have any PM's waiting for you?

Oh ye of little faith San! There are some of us, myself included, who DO ship overseas. It's a complicated process but doable in most circumstances. When listed "will ship", PM the seller and ask if they are capable of doing an overseas shipment. I suspect many will not but some, like myself do.

Now for my 2 cents: Hate IT Hate It Hate It. Yup! I guess that sums it up.
I loved auctioning and watching the market dictate the price for my eggs. My husband would ooh and aww at every .25 cent increase.
We followed up with the new parents to watch how things were going, knowing how much they fought for the product they bid on. Sometimes I would get a "crying" PM lamenting how they were outbid in the last moments and sell to them for the same as the last sale price. I was easy for them, fun and entertaining. Now that is gone and for what?
Slower (no matter IE or Firefox is being used), less functionality, less useful. It's more like a Wikapedia (did I spell that right? Don't know since they are offline today) site. Lots of information IF you know where to look. A learning site indeed it has remained - not to the extent it used to be. A social site - yes, and I think more so than it was.
I miss the old BYC
I am not too fond of the new BYC, seems like it is a step back instead of forward with how complicated they made it. Anyway, I am not having a very good day at work, so maybe I am just cranky!
I know it't not everybody not sending, but for me it's impossible for instead to get fertile eggs from de US. First the cost is to much second custom service is not helping either, my brooder just has place for 6 eggs. I see gorgeous chickens and breeds we don't have over here but I can't buy them
oh and I would love to have an American style coop but it's not for sale overhere then again I can't aford 1500 dollars for a coop..
Oh ye of little faith San! There are some of us, myself included, who DO ship overseas. It's a complicated process but doable in most circumstances. When listed "will ship", PM the seller and ask if they are capable of doing an overseas shipment. I suspect many will not but some, like myself do.

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