Ever feel lonely when you dont have any PM's waiting for you?

Hello again my friends!
Thanks for keeping the pages few for me to catch up! I've been out sick with the flu since Saturday and today is my first day back at work ( no computer at home - we're too far out for internet).
Wednesday I spent collecting Christmas and boxing it up to be finally put away. It was a big effort.
Thursday I felt a little better so finished my final cull before I could start breeding my Amerucanas for the hatching season. Culled 5 birds, Hand plucked, Cleaned, butchered, and cleaned up - almost....Hunny came home and rescued me from myself after the last bird was butchered and helped with the cleaning some.
This a a tough flu!
I'm still running a high temp, sitting in a t-shirt in 65 degree office and I'm sweating. Good thing though - I think I finally quit smoking! Still can't hardly pick one up and I was a 2 pack a day smoker!

Stay well

Yay for quitting smoking! DH is trying right now and is down to a pack every 4-5 days, which is a huge improvement. I hope you get over the flu...I had it last year along with my then 7-month-old...ugh. BTW, I'm going to NEED you to ship me some of those Ameraucana eggs when they start laying.
I hardly ever get PMs :( But it reduces the time I spend answering questions :) SOME people's PMs I really look forward to and I wish they'd write longer ones, because they give me so much material to respond to or like a straight man, in comedy, they set me up well! :)
Good Morning Cyber-Friends!
Sitting here with my cup 'o joe and reading up on the fun things chicken related. Nitrous that's a cute video you have in your tag line. I've got a question for you all if you could share a little of your experience. A little background:
I raise (and sell hatching eggs) Ameraucana - they lay blue eggs.
My darling husband lamented last year that we had no eggs to eat because I was selling them all for hatching so I went to a hatchery and ordered 4 barred rocks - they lay brown eggs so as not to get them confused with the "good ones". 1 was eaten by a hawk so I have 3 pullets. They just started laying last week.
Each day I have gotten 3 eggs from 3 pullets. Yesterday I got 4. I had no idea they were such prolific layers. Is this common? 1 pullet must have layed 2 eggs in 1 day. Huh?
Good Morning Cyber-Friends!
Sitting here with my cup 'o joe and reading up on the fun things chicken related. Nitrous that's a cute video you have in your tag line. I've got a question for you all if you could share a little of your experience. A little background:
I raise (and sell hatching eggs) Ameraucana - they lay blue eggs.
My darling husband lamented last year that we had no eggs to eat because I was selling them all for hatching so I went to a hatchery and ordered 4 barred rocks - they lay brown eggs so as not to get them confused with the "good ones". 1 was eaten by a hawk so I have 3 pullets. They just started laying last week.
Each day I have gotten 3 eggs from 3 pullets. Yesterday I got 4. I had no idea they were such prolific layers. Is this common? 1 pullet must have layed 2 eggs in 1 day. Huh?

That isn't "normal" but it does happen occasionally. One of my EE's has done that before...I know because I watched her lay both of them! It's just a glitch in the system, so don't expect it, but don't be shocked if it happens every now and then.

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