Ever feel lonely when you dont have any PM's waiting for you?

sunburn-fishing-eggs pipping? Im so jealous! good for you -you deserve it! I cant wait to see baby pictures!!! never heard of those fish before! Hey I might have to get a few duck eggs from you! I had a woman-her name was Lisa come 2 1/2 hrs away to my house today to get a lav silkie roo-one of my white silkies and 3 babies from my BO x RIR's very sweet woman and her little girl anyhoo-she was interested in some ducks-I was not selling my chuckie duckie but I could offer to incubate for her if she wanted to buy them-I told her I would drive to visit and I could deliver more chickens she wanted from me and I could see about the ducks-she really likes teh crested ones!!! My duck is a boy! his tail feathers are curling-bummer I thought well sheesh I better get some eating eggs from her-NOT!!
I just candeled-all 3 eggs are clear! I want to cry-Ill leave them in until day 10 to make sure but ooh so sad-no do-do babies
If you want eggs, all you have to do is ask.
I won't tell DH..
I saltwater fish in the Long Island sound. I grew up saltwater fishing, and we go on a charter (they know the best spots). In May I caught the pool winning 38 pound Striped Bass! I love BIG fish. We are thinking of doing a Tuna trip this year, but its expensive. I hate when eggs pip early. I can't understand why, I now have 2 thermometers and both were between 98 and 100 degrees. I hate still air incubators, the temps fluctuate so much. But they want to make their presence early. They will hatch tomorrow while I am not home of course. My camera is ready! Don't worry, I am sure I will have a girlfriend for little Chuckie.. He will not resist! Just be careful, drakes can be a little nasty. My Rex now tries to bite my feet when I walk in the pen and when I turn around. He needs a
I need to catch up on sleep (beer making me tired). Talk to you tomorrow..
Im sure Ill be on here tomorrow but just in case-Have a great Happy July 4th Ladies-Ill be thinking of you in teh rain with my umbrella in one hand and a Yuengling in another
Im sucking one down as we speak! woo-hoo--we got totally rained on during our church picnic but we are all so happy to get to gether it went great -I was in charge of face painting-my 10 yr old DD painted more faces than I did! It was fun-now for tomorrow-we have 75 people for the 4th and its supposed to rain ooh boy!! welcome back we missed you!

Thanks, I'm taking it easy this 4th I only have 11 people coming. On Memoral day I had so many I couldn't could them. LOL I'd have to sit down and get paper and pen and count. Well I better go GD stayed over and shes hungry. I need to make her eggs without the yoke, she doesn't eat the yoke. It's a funny thing looking at an egg frying with out the yoke. Have a good 4th.
good mornig everyone! in my bathrobe and just got done letting all my peeps out to free range for a couple hours before lockdown. We have 75ish people coming over today with tons of kids so even the coops are getting locked up with all the curious hands of kids lurking about! 6 wheelers and trucks and cars all over-ahhh..and ITS RAINING still!!!

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