Ever feel lonely when you dont have any PM's waiting for you?

When that hubby of yours gets the bator running I will fill it up!

Seriously I was thinking about that! I was considering asking if any of you would be willing to sell me a few eggs for my "super" hatch!! I am not sure what every body has but I don't really care. I even love mutts! Thats what some of mine are. I hatched them from my own eggs. I just thought it would be cool to have babies from my favorite peeps! Whatcha think?

Now you know darn well Ill fill your bator for you with a pretty bunch of eggs---EE blue eggs-olive eggs-silkie eggs-and fat fluffy butt eggs:) I love mutts too..I will have a seperate pen just for them this year and the rest of the pens will be pure breds..Ill have White orpingtins-Buff Orps-Hinkjc's jubilee orpington project eggs-split la silkie pen working towards pure lavs...and an olive egger pen oh and finally a Blue laced red wynadotte pen which Im working really hard on now from breeders...
Good Morning!

Just when I thought I was going through football withdrawls with only the Super Bowl left to look forward to, Colton calls me yesterday with a a preview of this fall's schedule! Our district is looking great and the schedule looks like we aren't traveling as much as we were last year. The official schedule comes out today!

Jazzy-- I hope your duck hangs in there! I have never heard of that either. We feed ours, the guineas, geese and turkeys Wild Game Bird food from Orscheln's. It looks just like layer, but has more protein in it. I don't know too much else about them, we have never had any sick, so I have no experience. I just hope she gets better soon!

We used to have a border collie mix we adopted from the shelter as a puppy. We got him for Destiny's 3rd birthday, before Colton was even born. He lived to be about 12. He never did like Colton because he was always pulling his hair or picking on him since he was so young as the dog grew up. I vividly remember when Colton was about 2, the dog bit him right by the eye. We were fairly sure Colton deserved it, but how do you tell a little 5 year old girl we have to get rid of her dog? Hubby beat the crap out of him (the dog) and we decided to wait it out and see if things got any better. It did. Ole Beethoven still didn't like Colton much, but he walked those kids to and from the bus stop every single morning, sat at the end of the drive while they rode their bikes and stayed right by their sides, guarding them. He even tried to attack one of hubby's friends for picking on him. So, even though he acted like he didn't like Colton, he sure did protect him. And that darned dog was very loyal to Destiny from day one to the end. I know I am rambling, but it brings back so many memories. I also remember Destiny being about 8 or 10 and Beethoven had gotten in a fight with a pit bull down the road. When hubby and I saw him the night before coming down the road, all we saw was blood everywhere. He wasn't around the next morning. So, on our way home from school, I was giving her the talk we all dread, that her dog was probably gone and wouldn't be back. I rattled about it the whole 5 miles home and she was in tears. We pull in the drive and guess who came up to meet us like nothing had happened? I was relieved and so mad at him at the same time! Upon further inspection, he had a gash that ran across his back from his tail to his neck. He had a scar and you could part his hair all the way up his back and it veed out right at his neck. I also can't count the number of times he bounced off hubby's bumper pulling in and out of the drive! Destiny still has a picture hanging in her room when she was little and he was a puppy!

Quietheart--I hope your house gets settled in and back to normal soon!
Thank you for the story about Beethoven Michelle! I have read so much about them being very loyal and also doing stunts like happened with him. I have been around a few over where we train in herding and I am hoping and thinking it is a good fit for me. I remember a story very much like Colton's eye- I had a sheltie my DH bought me as a graduation gift. My brothers are 8 and 10 years younger than I am, and my oldest brother thought it was fun just to pick on the dog, that dog held a grudge toward my brother for all the rest of his life. These herding dogs really are something!
I have found a breeder in Michigan, she sounds like the perfect breeder for me and has a litter coming up born in a month. I am hoping it works out, I am excited about it!
Glad you got your football fix

NY, those eggs sound fabulous. My brain hasn't started to 'understand' chicken or duck genetics yet, even with reading and having bought a book or two. Hope I get it eventually! I love the look of the ameraucanas and the old english. Right now all we have are our rhoadie girls and the call ducks. I really need to understand the call duck genetics and can't seem to get it yet.

Glad your family is home Quiet!

The little butterscotch duck is still with us, maybe she will pull out of it, but I am not holding out hope. I do think it was the feed I was using, we live in the this dinky town and I had nothing to choose from. I drove down to the nearest city, all there is there for feed is a TSC, so those are my two choices other than going to a grain mill. Maybe I can ask that local store to order something in? The new feed and the wheat seems to be helping. One of the whites was looking just slightly 'wet' and I noticed he is already better and smooth feathers. They finally got in their hut yesterday- we had a temp of 15 all day, wind chill, probably 5?

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I wish I knew more about feed to be able to help you better. I have also been told that the meat bird food is higher in protein and will work for ducks, geese, etc. Sometimes we pick that up instead. We have found that prices are much lower at a feed store than it is at Orscheln's or TSC. The feed companies base their prices on more current grain markets. I went yesterday on a food run and it seems the prices are staying pretty low. It is cheaper to feed my birds now than it was when we started a year and a half ago.

That puppy is adorable!! I would highly recommend a border collie! Beethoven was a mix, he looked and acted like a border collie, but had something in him to make him built like a file cabinet! He had the broadest back!
I finally heard from my DD in Thailand this morning! I haven't heard her voice since New Year's Eve!

You all have been very gabby! I talk about all of you, all the time! My DH is quite used to it. Today is his Bday and he flies back from Wisconsin tonight! Harrah's here we come!

NY and Purple....I am very jealous of you all hatching eggs. I bought my chicks when they were a day old almost 2 years ago. I don't know the first thing about hatching chicks. Maybe this spring I can make room for some more babies and learn how! I don't think DH will care as long as none of them hatch out into a goat! Still can't talk him into that yet!!

Quiet...glad your family is home safe!
Jazzy... cute pup! I have been thinking about getting a puppy in place of my little Frankie but the time just hasn't been right. I hope your ducks get to feeling better!

Michelle...still snowing here.
If you are running short I will be sure and sent some your way!! Lol
chickenchick...I forgot to bring in that recipe. I had to throw out a bunch of hay this morning for the cattle and forgot to grab it on my way out. I even got to town (4 miles) and had to turn around cuz I forgot to turn the pump off filling up the water troughs! I'm so glad I thought about it. It would have pumped the well dry! I'll be sure and bring Monday! Of course, if I hit it big at the boat, I will hand deliver it!!! Lol!!
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Im home sick! man I hate it! The good news is I can chat for alittle bit haha...My sinuses are killing me think its an infection..anyhoo

CHarmed-all you need to do is get a bator-Im not an expert but I can walk you through it all and its so much fun...I got the eggs you get the bator..make sure you get a turner though-it will make the process so much easier and less time consuming:) Ill even throw a goat egg or two in there:)

Jazzy-that pup is co cute! I just want to squish its chops and kiss the face!

Michelle-those are the kinds of dogs I wish my kids could have! their protectors--my dogs are sissies for sure! I do remember when I was little my bro being around 3 ish and our husky bit into his face and drew blood my dad beat him stupid and I remeber crying thinking he killed the dog! He didnt but he never went near my brother again-I know it was bro's fault though he was a pain in the ash!

Queitheart-if you can sell a couple doz eggs a week it should be able to pay for thier food depending on how many you have---of course you dont want to count your chickens before the eggs hatch like me! I went and colected eggs when I got home ( it was 24 below this am with wind chill) Im saving up my special ones for hatching/setting next week..Well no olive eggs yesterday and I found one today so I carefully picked it up in a pair of big fat gloves and threw it across the room and smashed it up! there goes another olive egger chick I wont hatch! ding song!

Chickenchick-where are you today???
You really did that? Or are you just high off your sinus meds???

yup what a dufus...I dont know why I thought I had a better grip??? But as I was moving them kinda fast in my hand to go ito carton-that olive egg flew out and smashed on the side of a breeder pen..I was heart broken..I thought what else could go wrong...I pulled into gas station this am to get a hot cappuchino for my sick pathetic self and I heard a loud "POP" I look up and my windshield was broke from one end to the other! Its just not my day-good thing I have full glass coverage..but still!!!
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I dont know what worse though-leaving a half way decent cleaned house to work all day ..Or leaving a half way cleaned house to go to work clean your butt off and then come home to a trashed house-no school today :-(

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