Ever feel lonely when you dont have any PM's waiting for you?

I have a RIR also. Just one, her name is Reba. She is actually kind of crabby
I have 4 BO though and they are the sweetest. I have several other breeds as well. I will post a few pictures in a bit. How long have you had chickens? Do you have any other birds? I just recently started with Guineas. I have 3 adults outside and one in the brooder waiting to join the rest.
We also have 3 little tiny baby guneas that are ADORABLE! We hatched them in a incubator. Two are white, and one is pied. The pied one is named PorkChop. We also have a mama duck, named chatter beak, a dad duck named maverick, and then three little baby ducks.

We have a awesome farm and I am thankful for it!
Here are some pics for Goldenroo. To the rest of you, sorry for the repeats!!


My 3 adult Guineas. The 3 Stooges!


My favorite hen, Selena.


Are you about done in there?


The crowd.


Thats Shadow, he thinks he is KING!
michelle - your dinner sounded great! Nothing better than really fresh produce. Yum.

We have a garden and last year the birds discover it and ate maybe 1/3 of our tomatoes! So I put netting over it this year and the birds can't get to them. We were getting all these great tomatoes until the rodents discovered them! Squirrels, rats and mice. At night I can take the dogs over there and they will always catch a rat or mouse. I haven't gotten a single tomato in about 2 weeks because they are all chewed on and I don't really know what to do about it. John says glue traps.
Meeting over, nothing new.

GoldenRoo--We have RIRs, BOs EEs and various kinds of chickens too. We also have turkeys, ducks, geese, guineas and goats. Oh, and cats and dogs and turtles and a guinea pig. Did I leave anyone out?? Most days it truly is a zoo around here!
We just have chickens and dogs right now. Oh, and a 30 gal aquarium. Used to have horses and cats, too.

I kept the classes (those who showed up) out in drizzle last night. At least it was warm drizzle. I'm kinda hoping for a night off because of rain.
That is the back yard, I guess you could call it! The patch of grass between the house and the garden. We focus our efforts on the front yard. Hubby has to haul every drop off water we use, so the back grass just gets what the garden sprinklers share with it, that and mother nature!

Michelle glad your meeting is over. Do you have a busy day ahead?

Do any of you have a "gee this is really good" imitation crab/pasta salad recipe? Charmed I am going through my recipe file on the computer and can't find one. I thought you had sent me one
My MIL s family reunion is this weekend and I have never met most of these people. She raves about how good of a cook i am , but I am not a salad person. Charmed gave me a Amish Macaroni salad recipe that my husband loves. So I will make that and I am making the one where you marinate the veggies in Italian dressing. Hubby won't eat that though because its "oily"
So I wanted to make one other salad. Can you help
I googled it but tried and true recipes from friends are always better
That is the back yard, I guess you could call it! The patch of grass between the house and the garden. We focus our efforts on the front yard. Hubby has to haul every drop off water we use, so the back grass just gets what the garden sprinklers share with it, that and mother nature!

Michelle glad your meeting is over. Do you have a busy day ahead?

Do any of you have a "gee this is really good" imitation crab/pasta salad recipe? Charmed I am going through my recipe file on the computer and can't find one. I thought you had sent me one
My MIL s family reunion is this weekend and I have never met most of these people. She raves about how good of a cook i am , but I am not a salad person. Charmed gave me a Amish Macaroni salad recipe that my husband loves. So I will make that and I am making the one where you marinate the veggies in Italian dressing. Hubby won't eat that though because its "oily"
So I wanted to make one other salad. Can you help
I googled it but tried and true recipes from friends are always better

I do have a semi-busy day planned. I need to work on auction stuff that I have put off and now it is crunch time. It shouldn't take long though. I would like to get everything done by Friday, so I don't have to worry about what to catch up on Tuesday.

I am not much of a salad person either. Destiny and I are making our own recipe book and we really didn't come up with anything that sounded good except for a few potato salad recipes. The one we did find that we might try is just cut up apple chunks and snickers mixed up in some cool whip.

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