Ever think of hydroponics or aquaponics?


It is very interesting. I met a young man in Home Depot that accidentely found Auquaponics when a plant sort of grew into his fish tank, rooted it self, and grew all over the place, much faster than any other.

This got me thinking, fish, food, plants, food, know what I mean?

So on our way to self suffeciency we have a new hobby to boot.

I just joined an AP forum, Aussy, could you PM me your site and your name on their, would be nice to know someone else and I will do the same.

Although if you live in colder areas, higher latitudes (short winter days) and/or do not already have a greenhouse type arrangement, what you save in feed bills may real quickly be eaten up in construction and *electricity* bills -- hydroponics requires a lot of light, and in some cases nighttime heating as well


I've been looking at this lately too. I'm starting with duck weed cause it grows rapidly in normal fish tanks and I have seen some studies that show it can be used to replace up to 50% of your chicken or duck feed. (more than 50% and the weight gain to growth ratio is off).
Mine should arrive next week.
I know all about that part of the equation pat. I am in canada just like you. Living in the Kootenays.

Brick lined compost pit with coils to pick up the heat does wonders for providing winter heat. We have the option of backing this up with wood. Light is an issue of course.

We greenhouse part of our shop in the winter anyways so moving to aquaponics was just an added bonus. Sprouting takes the biggest bite out of the food bill and that can be done anywhere indoors and does not require any special equipment.
I hope you post some pictures when you get started RoseMarie...very much interests me. I've seen some units advertised on tv, seems like they used water, not real sure, that's why I'd like to see how yours works and how much space it takes up. I love, love, love gardening and growing things, usually try to grow my entire garden from seeds so yes, I would be interested in hearing more about your venture!! Good luck!!!!
Thanks Darlene.

The aero garden on tv turned out to be OK my girlfriedsn husband got it fot a Christmaw gift from his daughter.
I read that it was worthless, but it is actually fine ifyou are growing herbs, but not muchmore, there is no way you can grow tomatoes or zucchini.

What I bought was nothing more than a large plastic storage bind with a cover with holes, a filter, pump and air stone and some other accessories. I probably won't stort for awhile, I am going to try starting seeds, for my veg garden. I will let y9u know and get pic. Sounds like fun.

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