Everyone is 50/50 on whether this is a pullet or cockerel 😂

Compared to my pullets I have right now, that is not pale. :idunno
Some of my pullets have been surprisingly reddish. This is a 6 or so week old marans pullet.

But I don't know 🤷‍♀️
I've posted this chick a couple times, but so far no one can identify if this is a cockerel or pullet. Votes are consistently 50/50 😂

This is a 10 week old Easter Egger. The brown on the shoulders is the same color on the chest. Single row of peas on the comb. There appears to be saddle feathers, but they are rounded and have been there since 6 weeks old. Has hen posture 95% of the time. Will duck down when challenged by other pullets. Has zero rooster attitude. Has not crowed, when other chicks from this group have already. Neck feathers are also rounded.

Any thoughts? 😂 I tried to include as MANY photos as I could.
Definitely a hen
I don't know if this will help, but here is a 12 week old EE that is kind of similar in coloring for comparison. It is now 3 years old. What do you think "it" turned out to be?

squeeky 12 weeks.JPG

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