Everyone should raise their own turkey next year!!!

as we (my husband and I) semi-retire in the next year or two we plan to get a slightly bigger place (farm) and I am hoping to have the turkeys out in the pasture. I really like the idea of the MW but am having a better time visualizing the more wild/camo look of the heritage birds wandering around out there . . . a dreamers view of the world probably, but it's the one thing keeping me from getting white Turkeys.
I too HATE white birds
but I also knew we could not handle a 35lb bird on the table either. They are a heritage breed just not the pretty colors of the others. Our 3 hens hatched over 40 eggs maybe more naturally and probably laid a total of 75. Tom was a watchman over them taking care of them, it was amazing.
I have 2 Bourban Toms who think they are dogs now but when I had the hens none of them were really friendly. I had heard they were more flighty before I got them.

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