Exactly how noisy is a rooster?


In the Brooder
7 Years
May 13, 2012
In June I took in 7 "broiler" chicks that were the unwilling participants in a kindergarten hatching project. I had a forever home lined up willing to take all seven, but it fell through. The poults are now 9 weeks old and I'm pretty sure that at least one is male, with three other possible males and three fairly definite females. Of course, I cannot find anyone willing to take a rooster. I live in the city and have one "broiler" hen and one ex-battery layer hen with room in my coop to comfortably keep two more "broilers". If I keep a rooster, will the neighbours (who know I have chickens) be annoyed by crowing? My hens are very vocal when they lay an egg, yet the neighbours have only ever commented on hearing them once.

It varies so much it is impossible to really answer your question. I have one rooster who almost never crows, but I've had others who do it from before sun-up until after you'd think he should have quit. The volume also varies. I keep large fowl now and I don't mind their crows nearly as much as the bantams I had a couple of years ago who have such a high-pitched crow that even though the sound may not be as loud, it is definitely more piercing.

Even living in the city, you can get away with having a rooster if none of the neighbors complain. Only you know your neighbors. The best thing would probably be to approach them and ask how they'd feel about hearing a rooster crowing. Its surprising how many people welcome the sound as it gives them a little feel of country in the city, or reminds them of visiting Grandma's farm when they were a kid, or whatever.

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