Excessively Noisy Chicken


9 Years
May 4, 2010
I have two full grown chickens one of whom is appropriately named Super Chirp. Super Chirp makes a ton of loud bk-bk-bk-BKWA noises every morning starting around 6am for at least 30 minutes. She usually doesn't lay till around 10am so I'm pretty sure it isn't related.

None of my neighbors complain but I don't even need an alarm clock anymore as she usually does it right under my bedroom window.

I live in an area where roosters aren't allowed. Is she trying to be the rooster or just likes expressing herself? Not sure if it matters but she is at the top of the pecking order.
My Buff Orpington hens are noisy like that all day long (except for the one pretending to be a rock on a pile of eggs right now) And I DO have a rooster. Some hens are just very 'talkative'.
One of my year old girls tried to start that last week. She would come out of the coop about 6am and start carrying on trying to get her sisters to join her in the run. Holy Moly was she loud! I always leave thier pop door open so they can come and go freely to lay, go to bed etc. Two mornings of going out there, tossing her back in the coop with the door closed till day light resolved it. They're so funny.
She makes throughout the day for 20-30 min internvals 3-5 times a day. I only have a problem with the 6am noise. I wonder if she is intelligent enough to reason out being put up for noise in the mornings but not at other times.

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