Exchequer Leghorns

These are my 2 exchequer chicks!! One has black on the wings and the other one's wings are solid white as of right now, HOPEFULLY i have one of both!!

Hello everyone!

I have 2 exchequer leghorns and I've been searching the internet and this site for a couple hours trying to find out how to sex them and I keep getting conflicting information. Besides the wait it out on comb or the feathering timing for roosters, does anyone know any rule of thumb on sexing by coloring or patterns?

Hello everyone!

I have 2 exchequer leghorns and I've been searching the internet and this site for a couple hours trying to find out how to sex them and I keep getting conflicting information.  Besides the wait it out on comb or the feathering timing for roosters, does anyone know any rule of thumb on sexing by coloring or patterns?


I really don't think there is a way. I have two as well. One has a would white head with not much black and the other is opposite. Can you post pictures?
Sure I'll take some now. Mine are about 5 days old now, I'd have to look back at my calender for exact hatch day, think it was Tuesday.
They both look the same. One is starting to get a little more tail feathers than the other, but nothing too noticeable yet.
Both of mine have pretty similar head color/patterns.

In looking around on here I've seen people say mostly white head is a girl OR mostly white head is a boy. Also saw little spots are girl and lines are boy, but didn't really see photos that made that make sense. A lot of the info contradicted each other. Fingers crossed I have at least 1 girl! I bought 6 eggs online, 5 went into lockdown, then for some reason my humidity completely dropped. By the time I realized it and carefully opened the 4 eggs (only 1 pipped) 3 were shrink wrapped in their shell and suffocated, I was only able to save the last one. :( I'll go take a pic now....
Oh I'm so sorry :( I had five and then coccodiosis killed three before I could save them. Well I think I have one of each and the one with the soils white head is the one with the bigger comb and I think that will be my rooster.
Okay here they are:

It's hard to tell, but the one on the right is just starting to get white tail feathers, the one on the left hasn't (but just starting so not really indicitive at this point)

The head pattern is pretty much the same:

A couple more angles:

They're both the same size, one is just standing up straighter than the other. Neither are acting roo-ish yet (but there's only 2...) and the combs aren't abnormally large or anything, but again they're only 5 days old.

Any experience appreciated!!!
Yours are so pretty!
The one you think is a girl has a head pattern like mine so fingers crossed we both have at least one!!!!
I live in the city so can't keep a rooster, but really hope for a girl. I only found out about this variety of leghorns a couple months ago, they are gorgeous!

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