Exchequer Leghorns

Me too, I just discovered them about 6 months ago. I like the white too but these are just eye candy and you still get the white eggs :) Here's to hoping. Do you have a Facebook ? If so PM me your name there is a awesome Leghorn group on there !
Really surprised to hear this.

I've hatched and raised 13 exchequer leghorn chicks (from 14 eggs) this summer and lost only one so far and that was because a wood panel got knocked over on it and squashed it. The others are all strong and healthy with no problems so far. They are all broody hatched and reared though which may make a difference. Needless to say, not leghorn broodies!

I started the year with a trio and I love my two hens (Margo and Matilda) but the cockerel, Horace, was a bit of a pain. He did however sacrifice his life for his girls by taking on a dog, so I guess I can posthumously forgive him for the times he had a go at me!

My oldest chicks are nearly 8 weeks and I'm just starting to see enough comb development to start telling pullets from cockerels now. The difficulty is having so many little black and whites running around amongst the rest of the flock that I can't keep track of which ones and how many I've decided are males.
They certainly hold their own very well in a mixed flock. Their biological mothers are pretty well top of the pecking order and their broody mam's are near the bottom, but the youngsters are quite cheeky when it comes to feeding/roosting time and they seem to get away with a lot because of their confidence.

What I will say about them is that they do not like being penned in and they will find a way over, out or through an enclosure if it is not big enough in their opinion. I have given up and let them free range now and they are happy chucks. Of course I could have clipped their wings, but where is the fun in that!

Anyway, it's good to find other exchequer leghorn enthusiasts on BYC even though we do appear to be a relatively small group.

Best wishes

I picked up an Exchequer chick yesterday as an impulse "buy"! I'm holding her a lot, and finding that she's actually pretty friendly and will willingly jump onto my hands or lap, but HATES being picked up. She's definitely a jumper, too, as I'm sure we all know. She easily adjusted to running with my older established chicks (while the other new ones are sticking with each other for the most part). Her feathers are already so striking - such stark black/white contrast!!! Brave, sassy, and so, so pretty. What more could I want?

I had a white leghorn when I was growing up, and I'm excited to be reconnected with this breed.

First thing I've noticed: she sleeps in the most ridiculous positions!

Ah, there she goes... finally nailed the head-tucked-under-wing position!
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Sounds like she is well on her way to stealing your heart already..... just hope she is a "she"!

They certainly do have attitude.... great photos! What breed is the other chick in the picture with her?
Whoops! double post! Not sure how to delete the post completely, so I'll just add that she napped on my chest for about a half hour last night. I hope she stays sweet!
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Sounds like she is well on her way to stealing your heart already..... just hope she is a "she"!

They certainly do have attitude.... great photos! What breed is the other chick in the picture with her?

The breeder seemed confident that she's a pullet based on the head dot - I know that method is not foolproof, but it seems to work for her birds. Do you see anything that makes you think cockerel?

Other birds:
top and bottom photo: Leghorn (Checkers), Mottled Bantam Cochin (Lady Bird, my OTHER impulse buy), Salmon Faverolle (no name yet)
middle photo: Checkers, Golden Cuckoo Marans
Now I've got 11 feathered friends running around (1 will be dinner in February), and I'm REALLY hoping the city doesn't notice that we have 250% of our legal limit!
Quote: Oops!

Actually I think having a legal limit might be a good thing even if you do exceed it a bit..... Not having a limit is positively dangerous!!
I've gone from a trio of exchequers in Jan this year to a mixed flock of 49 currently, although there are 6-7 chicken dinners imminent from that total, when I get myself psyched up to do the dirty deed and a few more to follow toward the end of the year.

The golden cuckoo marans sounds interesting. I have a black copper marans and a blue copper maran almost at point of lay.... I'm desperate to see my first eggs from them and really hope they are dark but they are very handsome birds.... in the UK marans are clean legged, which I prefer, since things are starting to turn muddy.

This is my first time breeding exchequer leghorns and I did wonder if the head spots were indicative of sex but I didn't mark them and they are no longer visible. The first 4 are nearly 8 weeks old now and I think that they are all pullets (fingers crossed). There are several of the younger 5 week olds which have huge pink combs that are already noticeably bigger than any of the others, even the 8 week olds so this leads me to believe the older ones are all female. But to answer your question, no there is nothing at the moment to indicate that your "Checkers" is anything other than female.



Actually I think having a legal limit might be a good thing even if you do exceed it a bit..... Not having a limit is positively dangerous!!
I've gone from a trio of exchequers in Jan this year to a mixed flock of 49 currently, although there are 6-7 chicken dinners imminent from that total, when I get myself psyched up to do the dirty deed and a few more to follow toward the end of the year.

The golden cuckoo marans sounds interesting. I have a black copper marans and a blue copper maran almost at point of lay.... I'm desperate to see my first eggs from them and really hope they are dark but they are very handsome birds.... in the UK marans are clean legged, which I prefer, since things are starting to turn muddy.

This is my first time breeding exchequer leghorns and I did wonder if the head spots were indicative of sex but I didn't mark them and they are no longer visible. The first 4 are nearly 8 weeks old now and I think that they are all pullets (fingers crossed). There are several of the younger 5 week olds which have huge pink combs that are already noticeably bigger than any of the others, even the 8 week olds so this leads me to believe the older ones are all female. But to answer your question, no there is nothing at the moment to indicate that your "Checkers" is anything other than female.



Thanks! Would love to see pics of yours :)

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