Exchequer LEGHORNS

exchequer leghorns shoul be more white than they are black. nice drawing
and show birds from Europe Male
Interesting.. good thing I just have mine for eggs! I had 3 to choose from and I chose the darkest, lol! I personally prefer black to white though, so that's probably why I was drawn to her the most!
I ended up with some Exchequers several years ago -- they came with my order of Mille Fleur Leghorns from Sand Hill. Since I only wanted the Mille Fleur's, I gave the Exchequers to a friend, and they laid very well for her for at least a couple of years.

At one time Sandhill Preservation had listed their layers in a top 100 laying breeds listing & this is where they placed their Leghorns:

White Leghorn (LG-XL) & Barred Rocks (LG-XL) were not even on the list because they were off the charts because of their great productivity.

Ameraucanas (not EEs) #3 blue large-XL eggs (IMO EEs probably would rank just as well depending on the breeder origins)
Spangled Russian Orloff #5 large eggs but productivity dropped the 2nd year whereas Ameraucanas were much better in 2nd year
Buff Leghorn #10 tinted/white medium egg - my exp is a milder temperament than regular White Legs but both varieties were smart & trainable w/ simple voice/hand commands, alert birds
Exchequer Leghorn #26 white large egg
Ancona #27 white med-large egg
Dominique #29 brown medium egg (IMO a good temperament & more of a pet than a Leg would be although our Legs would sit on our arm or knee to get treats but didn't allow petting)
Brown Leghorn #36 white large-XL egg
Red Leghorn #59 tinted large egg w/ nice temperament for a Leghorn (Sandhill's comment)
Black Leghorn #75 tinted large egg
Mille Fleur Leghorn - no ranking yet - off-white egg w/ milder temperament than regular White Legs

Because I wanted to get away from White Legs w/ their high mortality from over-production (45% die of ovarian issues by age 4) so I took Sandhill's productivity listing to search for other Leg varieties and settled on the Buff which is still productive but lays a more normal size egg for its body weight. I was ecstatic to get a breeder who got their parent stock from Dan Honour who is a decades-long developer of both Buff breeds and Leghorns. Since I acquired my Buffs he says he has developed his Buff Leg line to lay white rather than tinted eggs now.

The above statistics are from Sandhill's lines of Leghorns. I personally have had the White Leg & the Buff Leg from different breeders - both varieties are prolific layers but my Buff lays 1.75 oz eggs & the White lays 2.25 oz - both are equally frequent layers. Personally I prefer a medium LF like the Leghorn breed to give me smaller rather than larger eggs. I will discontinue White Legs because they have a high incidence of ovarian cancer/tumors (Legs used often in cancer research because of this problem) because they are way too prolific of LG to XL eggs - they don't brood & they lay way too large an egg for such a light breed. I prefer a brooding breed to give them a rest from over-production. Some breeders say it's ok for a lighter hen to lay larger eggs if the bird's build is wider, but still it takes a lot out of a light 4.5 lb breed to crank out XL eggs. I'll stick w/ my medium egg 4.5 lb Buff Leg who is productive but w/ eggs more fitting for her weight & size. I've experienced a less thicker shell on the White Leg eggs compared to the solid shell of the Buff Leg & I'm thinking it's because the White has such a huge egg surface to cover w/ calcium compared to the smaller egg surface of the Buff's eggs to cover w/ calcium. Just thinking out loud & passing along what I observed from my own birds.

At one time I considered the Exchequer because of her beauty - I like both the darker hens and the whiter hens because feathering seems to change after every moult. Some say the Exchequer can get whiter after her 1st moult. However, I think I have found my newest Leghorn love - the Buff - who has a smaller less floppy comb & therefore less restrictive vision which IMO makes her less skittish. And OH! the beautiful golden Buff of her feathers! Everything on our girl is Buff - her eyes, her earlobes, her leg/toes, & even her toenails! The only thing red is her medium comb/wattles - she is a beautiful Golden treasure!

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